1. One on-premises sign upon which is displayed the name of a religious institution, school, library, community center, or similar institution and the announcement of its services or activities. Such sign shall be either non-illuminated or indirectly lighted with non-flashing white light, shall have no more than two (2) sign faces, said sign faces to be parallel, and shall not exceed 24 square feet per sign face. The setback for said sign shall be a minimum of 20 feet from all property lines.
2. For permitted commercial uses wall signs which project no more than 12 inches from the building wall shall be permitted.
3. For permitted commercial uses one freestanding sign shall be allowed. Said sign shall consist of no more than two (2) faces, said faces to be parallel and not to exceed 50 square feet in area per sign face. No such sign shall be located closer than 20 feet to any property line.
(Ord. 2409 - Aug. 24 Supp.)
1. One on-premises identification sign not to exceed one square foot in area shall be permitted for each one-family dwelling. In the case of two-family dwellings, one such sign shall be allowed for each dwelling unit. Any such sign must be attached to the dwelling unit.
2. One on-premises identification sign not to exceed one square foot in area shall be permitted for each one-family dwelling if a home occupation is conducted therein. In the case of two-family dwellings, one such sign shall be allowed for each dwelling unit. Any such sign must be attached to the dwelling unit.
3. One on-premises sign upon which is displayed the name of religious institution, school, library, community center, or similar institution and the announcement of its services or activities. Such sign shall be either non-illuminated or indirectly lighted with non-flashing white light, shall have not more than two (2) sign faces, said sign faces to be parallel, and shall not exceed 24 square feet per sign face. The setback for said sign shall be a minimum of 20 feet from all property lines.
1. Signs permitted in and as limited in Section 156.21.
2. One on-premises identification sign not to exceed 8 square feet in area for each multiple dwelling complex containing 8 or more units, but less than 16 units. Any multiple dwelling complex containing 16 or more dwelling units shall be permitted one on-premises identification sign not to exceed 24 square feet in area per sign face. Signs permitted above may be located in the required front yards, but may not be closer than 20 feet to any side or rear property lines.
3. For permitted commercial uses one on-premises freestanding sign shall be allowed. Said sign shall consist of no more than two (2) faces, said faces to be parallel and not to exceed 50 square feet in area per sign face. The sign may not be located in or overhang any street right-of-way. The sign may be located in the required front yard, but may not be located closer than 20 feet to any side or rear property lines.
4. One on-premises identification sign not to exceed 24 square feet in area per sign face may be erected in the R-6 zoning district for any mobile home park which contains 10 or more mobile home lots. The sign may not be located in or overhang any street right-of-way and may not be located nearer than 20 feet to any side or rear property line that abuts any residential zoning district.
1. Signs permitted in and as limited in Section 156.22.
2. One on-premises freestanding sign shall be allowed per building lot. If a lot frontage is 200 feet or less, one freestanding sign shall be permitted per building frontage and shall consist of no more than two (2) faces, said faces to be parallel, and not to exceed 100 square feet in area per sign face. If a lot frontage is greater than 200 feet, one freestanding sign shall be permitted per building frontage and shall consist of no more than two (2) faces, said faces to be parallel, and not to exceed 50 square feet per foot of lot frontage, with a maximum of 300 square feet per sign face. In lieu of the foregoing, two freestanding signs may be permitted per building provided that each such sign does not have a sign face area in excess of 150 square feet. If a lot has frontage onto more than one street, one freestanding sign shall be permitted per street frontage. The size of said freestanding signs shall be governed by the amount of street frontage as stated in this section. However, if the secondary frontage is less than the primary frontage, the maximum size of the sign on the secondary frontage shall be reduced from 100 square feet to 50 square feet if the frontage is 100 feet or less, and to 25 square feet if the frontage is less than 50 feet.
3. Supports for all freestanding signs shall be located on private property and may not be located in public right-of-way. Likewise, the sign itself may not overhang public right-of-way, except as otherwise provided in this chapter.
4. No portion of any permitted freestanding sign located within 20 feet of the street line shall be less than 12 feet above grade level. The Zoning Administrator may permit the location of a ground sign or a freestanding sign less than 12 feet above the ground surface within 20 feet of the street right-of-way line, provided the size and location of said sign will not obstruct or impair the visibility of pedestrians or motorists.
5. Roof signs are permitted, but shall not be off-premises signs. All roof signs must adhere to the height limitations of the district in which it is located. The back of a roof sign shall be effectively shielded from public view by a building wall, by backing the sign against another sign face, or by painting the exposed back a neutral color.
6. Wall signs are permitted and are not limited in number. However, the total square footage of the sign face area of the wall signs shall not be greater than 15% of the wall area of each business.
7. Freestanding entrance and exit signs are permitted in addition to any other permitted signs within the district. Such signs shall not be more than four square feet in area per sign face.
8. Electronically controlled public service, time, temperature, and date signs, message centers, or reader boards, where different copy changes are shown, are permitted. However, such signs must comply with all requirements of this section.
9. Menu signs are permitted in addition to any other permitted signs within the district. However, such signs shall be located to the rear or to the side of the principal building located on any lot.
1. Exterior signs for individual businesses shall not protrude more than 12 inches from building walls, roofs, or parapets. This restriction shall not in any way impair the use of standardized signs attached to common sidewalk canopies or the use of freestanding directories, with individual signs or signs identifying the entire business district in prominent display places including public parking lots and public rights-of-way.
2. Freestanding signs for individual businesses located either on private property or on public right-of-way are not permitted.
3. Wall signs shall not be limited in number; however, the total square footage of the sign face area of the wall signs shall not be greater than 15% of the wall area of each business.
4. Electronically controlled public service, time, temperature, and date signs, message centers, or reader boards, where different copy changes are shown, are permitted. However, such signs must comply with all requirements of this chapter.
5. Menu signs are permitted in addition to any other permitted signs within the district. However, such signs shall be located to the rear or to the side of the principal building located on any lot.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, no off-premises sign will be permitted unless all of the following conditions have been met:
1. The location of said sign must be in a B-1, B-2, I-1, or 1-2 zoning district.
2. The location of said sign is not within 100 feet of an R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, or R-5 zoning district.
3. Billboards located on the same street facing the same traffic flow shall not be located closer together than 500 feet. Double-faced signs shall be considered as facing traffic flowing in the opposite direction.
4. The height of said sign is within all height limitations of the zoning district in which the sign is located.
5. The size of said sign shall be limited to 300 square feet in area. Double-faced signs shall be permitted. If a single-faced sign is erected, the back shall be suitably painted or otherwise covered to present a neat and clean appearance.
6. Billboards attached to a building shall not project above the roof line of the building or be located on the roof of a building.
7. All billboard sign permits shall require a special use permit approved by the Board of Adjustment.