Pursuant to published notice and public hearing, as required by law, the Iowa State Building Code, promulgated pursuant to Chapter 103A of the Code of Iowa, including the one- and two-family dwelling code, is hereby adopted by reference. The Building Code shall be amended as follows:
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 103A.10[2b] and Sec. 380.10)
1.   Section 3206.3 “Projections” shall be amended to permit awnings to protrude no closer than two feet from the curb line, nor shall any awning protrude to within 12 inches of any light pole or attachment thereon, nor within 12 inches of the sight line from one light pole and attachments to the next, in the B-3 District.
2.   Section 3206.4 “Clearances” shall be amended to require a minimum clearance of 8 feet for all awnings including valances in the B-3 District.