(A)   General provisions; parking and loading.
      (1)   Scope of regulations. The off-street parking and loading provisions of this chapter shall apply as follows.
         (a)   Accessory off-street parking and off-street loading facilities shall be provided as required by the regulations of this section for all buildings and structures erected and all uses of land established in each district after the effective date of this chapter. When the intensity of use of any building, structure, or premises shall be increased through addition of dwelling units, gross floor area, seating capacity or other units of measurement specified herein for required parking or loading facilities, parking and loading facilities as required herein shall be provided for such increase in intensity of use.
         (b)   Whenever the existing use of a building or structure shall hereafter be changed to a new use, parking or loading facilities shall be provided as required for such new use. However, if the building or structure was erected prior to the effective date of this chapter, additional parking or loading facilities are mandatory only in the amount by which the requirements for the new use would exceed those for the existing use if the latter were subject to the parking and loading provisions herein.
      (2)   Existing parking and loading facilities. Accessory off-street parking and/or loading facilities in existence on the effective date of this chapter and located on the same lot as the building or use served shall not hereafter be reduced below the requirements of this chapter for a similar new building or use.
      (3)   Damage or destruction. For any conforming or nonconforming building or use in existence on the effective date of this chapter and which is reconstructed, reestablished or repaired as allowed by this UDO, which subsequently is damaged or destroyed by fire, collapse, explosion or other cause, and which is reconstructed, reestablished or repaired, off-street parking and loading facilities equivalent to any maintained at the time of such damage or destruction shall be restored or continued in operation. The Zoning Board of Appeals may vary the requirement where it would be impossible or economically unfeasible to provide the amount of required parking on or near the site, and where the continuance of the non-conformance will not unduly interfere with adjoining uses. However, in no case shall it be necessary to restore or maintain parking or loading facilities in excess of those required by this chapter for equivalent new uses or construction.
      (4)   Control of off-site parking facilities. When required parking facilities are provided on land other than the zoning lot on which the building or use served by such facilities is located, they shall be and remain in the same possession or ownership as the zoning lot occupied by the building or use to which the parking facilities are necessary. No such off-site parking facilities shall be authorized and no occupancy permit shall be issued where the plans call for parking other than on the same zoning lot until and unless the Zoning Board of Appeals has reviewed the plans and heard the applicant and made findings that the common ownership or possession of the zoning lot and site of the parking facilities are reasonably certain to continue and that the off-site parking facilities will be maintained at all times during the life of the proposed use or buildings. If, for any reason, the parking required by this chapter and provided off-site shall no longer be available and replacement parking is not provided, the owner and occupant of the structure for which parking has been diminished shall reduce the size of the use within one year after the date the parking is lost to make the use conform to the then available parking.
   (B)   Additional regulations; parking. Off-street parking facilities shall be provided in accordance with additional regulations hereinafter set forth.
      (1)   Use of parking facilities. Off-street parking facilities required for uses in accordance with division (C) below shall be used solely for the parking of motor vehicles of patrons, occupants or employees of the principal use or building. Spaces needed to meet the minimum number of parking spaces required under division (C) below may not be used for the regular storage or parking of vehicles, equipment or materials associated with the principal use on the property. The parking or storage of vehicles, equipment or materials associated with the principal use on the property on any surplus parking spaces, beyond the number of spaces required under division (C) below, may only be done in accordance with provisions contained elsewhere in this code. Vehicles exceeding the size of the vehicle parking space dimensions, as set forth in division (B)(5)(d), may not park in such spaces. Off-street parking facilities accessory to residential use and developed in any residential district in accordance with the requirements of this section shall be used solely for the parking of passenger automobiles owned by occupants of the dwelling structures to which such facilities are accessory or by guests of such occupants, unless otherwise permitted in division (B)(2) below. Under no circumstances shall any person use or allow to be used a required parking facility accessory to residential structures for the storage of trucks or other commercial vehicles or for the parking of automobiles belonging to the employees, owners, tenants, visitors or customers of business or manufacturing establishments, or for the parking or storage of licensed or unlicensed construction equipment or vehicles.
      (2)   Shared parking facilities.
         (a)   Purpose. Shared parking is encouraged as a means of conserving land resources, reducing stormwater runoff, reducing the heat island effect caused by large paved areas, and improving community appearance.
         (b)   Authorization. Shared parking facilities for off-street parking of two or more buildings or uses may be approved by the Village Board subject to compliance with this section.
         (c)   Location. Shared parking facilities shall be located within 300 linear feet of the primary entrance of the main residential building and within 500 linear feet of the primary entrance of the main nonresidential building.
         (d)   General requirements.
            I.   The number of parking spaces provided shall not be less than the sum of the separate requirements for each such building or use. Where a mix of two or more land uses creates staggered peak periods of parking demand, shared parking agreements that have the effect of reducing the total amount of required parking may be approved.
            II.   Required accessible parking spaces for persons with disabilities may not be shared and shall be located on-site.
            III.   Adjacent lots that are subject to a shared parking agreement shall be interconnected by the provision of a cross-access easement for vehicular and pedestrian passage.
         (e)   Shared parking for uses with different hours of operation.
            I.   For purposes of this section, the following uses are considered daytime uses:
               i.   Office uses;
               ii.   Commercial service uses;
               iii.   Commercial retail uses;
               iv.   Industrial uses;
               v.   Other similar primarily daytime uses, as determined by the Village Board.
            II.   For purposes of this section, the following uses are considered evening or weekend uses:
               i.   Physical health and entertainment uses;
               ii.   Public/semi-public uses;
               iii.   Eating and drinking uses; and
               iv.   Other similar primarily nighttime or weekend uses, as determined by the Village Board.
         (f)   Shared parking study. The applicant(s) shall demonstrate, through a shared parking study, that there is no substantial conflict in the peak periods of parking demand of the uses for which shared parking is proposed. The shared parking analysis shall include, at minimum, the size and type of the proposed development, the composition of tenants, the anticipated rate of parking turnover and the anticipated hourly and peak parking and traffic loads for all uses that will be sharing parking spaces. If existing land uses are to be included in the shared parking agreement, the study shall also include parking counts that document parking occupancy during weekday, weekend, daytime, and evening periods of peak and off-peak parking demand.
         (g)   Agreement. The applicant(s) shall provide a copy of the executed shared parking agreement prior to the Village Board's authorization of a shared parking facility permit.
            I.   Shared parking agreements shall have a term of not less than five years, including any renewals at the option of the lessee.
            II.   Authorization of the shared parking facility will continue in effect only as long as the agreement, binding on all parties, remains in force. Should the agreement cease to be in force, parking must be provided as otherwise required by this section.
      (3)   Design and maintenance (See Figure 16-5-2(B)(3)).
         (a)   Open and enclosed parking spaces. Accessory parking spaces may be open to the sky, enclosed or semi-enclosed in a building or structure. Enclosed parking spaces shall have a vertical clearance of at least seven feet.
         (b)   Surfacing. Except as otherwise provided in this UDO, all open parking spaces and access thereto shall be improved with all-weather material, in accordance with specifications approved by the Engineering Services Director.
         (c)   Temporary parking lots. The Village Board may grant approval for the construction of a temporary parking lot. Such temporary parking lot shall be located outside of all required landscape areas and constructed of such material including, but not limited to, gravel, which shall be approved by the Engineering Services Director as providing a firm base to vehicles, and such temporary parking lot shall be adequately drained. A permit to maintain a temporary parking lot shall be granted only under those circumstances which would make the construction of a permanent parking lot an economic hardship upon the applicant. Temporary parking lot permits shall be valid for a maximum of 18 months, and shall not be renewable.
         (d)   Barrier protection. Bollards or other means of protection shall be installed by the developer, business owner, or property owner when deemed necessary by the Community Development Director or Village Board in instances when the relationship between parking spaces and the building or pedestrian facilities requires additional protection.
         (e)   Minimum parking area dimension requirements. Plans for the layout of off-street parking facilities shall be in accordance with the following requirements.
         (f)   Striping. Striping between spaces shall be in the form of a four inch hair-pin/looped line, 16 inches apart, and shall be white or yellow in color.
Table 16-5-2(B)(5)(d) Minimum Parking Area Dimension Requirements
Parking Pattern
Minimum Parking Space Width
Minimum Maneuvering Lane
Minimum Parking Space Length**
Minimum Parking Tier Width - Exterior Tier
Minimum Parking Tier Width - Interior Tier
Table 16-5-2(B)(5)(d) Minimum Parking Area Dimension Requirements
Parking Pattern
Minimum Parking Space Width
Minimum Maneuvering Lane
Minimum Parking Space Length**
Minimum Parking Tier Width - Exterior Tier
Minimum Parking Tier Width - Interior Tier
0 degrees (parallel parking)
8 feet
12 feet (one-way)
23 feet
24 feet (two-way)
30 degrees
9.5 feet*
12 feet (one-way)
18 feet
17.25 feet
12.75 feet
24 feet (two-way)
45 degrees
9.5 feet*
12 feet (one-way)
18 feet
19.5 feet
15.75 feet
24 feet (two-way)
60 degrees
9.5 feet*
15 feet (one-way)
18 feet
20.5 feet
17.75 feet
30 feet (two-way)
90 degrees
9.5 feet*
12 feet (one-way)
18 feet
18 feet
18 feet
24 feet (two-way)
* = Employee parking space widths may be reduced to nine feet when approved by the Community Development Director upon the submission of employee parking counts or other parking data by the property owner
** = Six-inch bumper overhang may be used to reduce applicable space length when approved by the Community Development Director.
Dimensional Standards for Parking Spaces and Aisles
         (f)   Striping. Striping between spaces shall be in the form of a four inch hair-pin/looped line, 16 inches apart.
      (4)   Location of accessory off-street parking facilities. Required parking spaces shall not be located within the public right-of-way. The location of off-street parking spaces in relation to the use served shall be as prescribed hereinafter. All distances specified shall be walking distances between such parking spaces and a main entrance to the use served.
         (a)   For uses in residential districts.
            I.   Parking spaces serving multiunit and non-residential uses shall be located on the same zoning lot as the use served.
            II.   Parking spaces serving multiunit uses shall not be located more than 30 feet from a convenient entrance to the building. Parking lots shall be so designed so at least one parking space per dwelling unit is within 150 feet of a building entrance.
            III.   Parking spaces serving multiunit and non-residential uses shall not be located:
               i.   nearer than 40 feet from an adjoining single-unit residential lot, nor
               ii.   less than 20 feet from a street right-of-way line.
               iii.   No on-site roadway or parking lot pavement of any type shall be located within ten feet from a street right-of-way line, except for approved entry drives.
            IV.   No commercial vehicles bearing a class designation other than A or B under the provisions of Illinois State Statutes shall be parked or stored on any residential premises classified as a residential district, except when making a delivery or rendering a service at such premises.
            V.   Unless in compliance with § 16-5-2(B)(4)(a)(IV), no construction equipment or vehicles, or service equipment or vehicles, shall be parked or stored in a residential district, unless such equipment or vehicle is being used for the purpose of construction, alteration, excavation, service or repair of a property within a residential district. In the event that such equipment or vehicle is not being used in the construction, alteration, excavation, service or repair of property in a residential district, such equipment or vehicle shall not be parked or stored overnight unless it is parked or stored at least 500 feet from an occupied residence. Maintenance equipment may be stored in a garage in multiunit properties. Equipment and/or materials used solely for on-site snow plowing may be stored on the premises where such equipment and/or materials will be used during the period from November 1 through March 31 each season.
         (b)   For uses in non-residential districts.
            I.   All required parking spaces shall be located within 500 feet of the use served. However, no parking spaces accessory to a use in a business district shall be located in a residential district, except that private, free, off-street parking accessory to business district uses and municipal parking lots may be allowed by special use permit in accordance with Article 16-8, within 200 feet of the site served and adjacent to any business district.
            II.   Parking spaces shall not be located:
               i.   nearer than 40 feet from an adjoining lot in a residence district, nor
               ii.   less than 20 feet from a street right-of-way line.
               iii.   No on-site roadway or parking lot pavement of any type shall be located within ten feet of a street right-of-way line, except for approved entry drives.
            III.   Landbanking of required parking spaces as greenspace may be permitted when approved as a variation, provided the owner of the property demonstrates through employee counts that the total number of parking spaces required using the square footage parking requirements outlined herein are not necessary and there is sufficient usable land area available on the subject property to provide the required parking spaces if deemed necessary by the village in the future.
            IV.   Equipment and/or materials used solely for on-site snow plowing, which may include covered salt or de-icing material, may be stored on the premises where such equipment and/or materials will be used during the period from November 1 through March 31 each season.
   (C)   Schedule of parking requirements. The requirements listed in Table 16-5-2 (C) shall be the minimum requirement for off-street parking spaces for the associated use(s). In making determination of required parking, the Community Development Director shall consider the component parts of the development including varying standards for individual uses. Speculative industrial buildings shall provide parking in accordance with the ratio for general office uses for a minimum of 5% of the net floor area of the building. Unless otherwise approved by the Community Development Director, the maximum permitted number of accessory off-street parking spaces shall be an additional 20% beyond the minimum requirement. Unless otherwise indicated, the number of required off-street parking spaces shall be determined by the net floor area of the use. The net floor area shall be the sum of the net horizontal floor area of the several floors of a building as measured from the exterior faces of the exterior walls.
      (1)   The net floor area of a building shall include:
         (a)   Basements, when used for other than storage;
         (b)   Penthouse, excluding mechanical penthouses;
         (c)   Attic space having headroom of seven feet six inches or more;
         (d)   Interior balconies and mezzanines;
         (e)   Enclosed porches; and
         (f)   Floor area devoted to warehouse storage areas.
      (2)   The net floor area (NFA) of a building shall not include:
         (a)   Floor space occupied by mechanical, telephone and electrical equipment, including mechanical penthouses, coolers, freezers and refrigeration units, and similar equipment;
         (b)   Stairwells, escalators and elevator shafts;
         (c)   Storage areas, not to include warehouses;
         (d)   Attic space having headroom of less than seven feet six inches;
         (e)   Public/private restrooms;
         (f)   Interior off-street parking and loading;
         (g)   Basements, or portions thereof used for storage;
         (h)   Conference rooms;
         (i)   Lunchrooms;
         (j)   Entrance lobbies; and
         (k)   Interior covered common areas designed primarily for pedestrian circulation.
Table 16-5-2(C): Schedule of Parking Requirements
Required Spaces
Table 16-5-2(C): Schedule of Parking Requirements
Required Spaces
Parks, Open Space, and Agriculture
Parks and Open Space, Publicly Owned and Operated, including Unlit Athletic Fields and Courts
As determined by the Plan Commission
Parks and Open Space, Privately Owned and Operated
Private Lit Athletic Fields and Courts
Public Lit Athletic Fields and Courts
Golf Course
Community Gardening/Urban Farming
Single-Unit Detached Dwellings
2 / Dwelling Unit
Single-Unit Attached Dwellings
Multiple Unit Dwellings, Building
1.5 / Dwelling Unit
Multiple Unit Dwellings, Complex
Multiple Unit Dwellings, Above Ground Floor as Part of Mixed Use
Assisted Living Facilities/Nursing Homes
0.5 / Dwelling Unit
Senior Co-Housing
1.25 / Dwelling Unit
Total Senior Life Care Facilities
As determined by the Plan Commission
Group Community Residences, >8 Persons
Family Community Residences, <8 Persons
* Guest parking shall be provided at a rate of one guest space per every 20 required parking spaces for single-unit attached dwellings and multiple unit dwellings.
Temporary Lodging
Lodging and Rooming Houses
1 / occupiable room
Extended Stay Hotel
Nurseries or Preschools
0.5 / 250 NFA
Schools (elementary, middle)
1.5 / average number of employees
Schools (high)
1 / faculty member and other full time employee, plus 1 / 7 students based on maximum design capacity
Colleges and Universities
1.5 / average number of employees, and 0.5 / average number of students
Employment Training and Vocational Center
1 / 250 NFA
General Commercial Education
Commercial Retail
Retail Sales, General
1 / 250 NFA
Retail Sales, Accessory
Grocery Stores
Specialty Food Stores
Multitenant Shopping Center
Out Lot Retail Building
Medical Cannabis Dispensary
Pawn Shop
Adult Use Cannabis Dispensing Organization
Adult Oriented Uses
Commercial Service
Commercial Service, General
1 / 250 NFA
Day Care Center
Veterinary Clinic/Animal Hospital
Kennel and Boarding Facility
Funeral Parlor
Self Service Laundry Shop/Dry Cleaners
Blood Donation Centers
Tattoo Parlors
Check Cashing/Payday Loan Stores
Massage Establishments
Commercial Kitchen
Eating and Drinking
Restaurant, Fast Casual
4 / 250 NFA
Restaurant, Quality
Restaurant, High Turnover Sit Down
Restaurant, with Drive-Through
2.5 / 250 NFA
Restaurant, Coffee/Tea Shop
Restaurant, Takeout
2/250 NFA
Video Gaming Café
Tasting Room for Microbrewery, Brewery, Winery, Distillery
3 / 250 NFA
Physical Health and Entertainment
Health, Athletic, Recreation, or Amusement Facility, Indoor
1.5 / 250 NFA
Health, Athletic, Recreation, or Amusement Facility, Outdoor
9.5 / acre
Amphitheaters, Bandshells, or Outdoor Theaters
0.5 / every seat
Art Gallery, Commercial
0.5 / 250 NFA
Auto Oriented Businesses
Autobody Repair, all vehicles
0.5 / 250 NFA, plus 1 / service bay
Fuel Sales
1 / employee, plus 1 / accessory use
Repair and Service
0.5 / 250 NFA, plus 1 / service bay
Car Wash
1 / employee
Automobile and Commercial Vehicle Fueling Plaza
2 / 250 NFA
Vehicle Sales and Rental
0.5 / 250 NFA
Outdoor Vehicle Storage
0.25 / 250 NFA
Offices, General
1 / 250 NFA
Offices, Above Ground Floor as Part of Mixed Use
Business Parks
Medical or Dental Offices
Medical or Dental Laboratories
1 / 250 NFA
Research Laboratories
Motor Freight Terminal
1 / 1,500 NFA
Light Manufacturing
1 /600 NFA
Heavy Manufacturing
Food Processing Establishment
Brewery, Winery, Distillery (production only)
1 / 1,500 NFA
Medical Cannabis Cultivation
Wholesale Sales
Nurseries, Greenhouses/Garden Supply and Seed Stores
Machinery and Equipment Sales and Rental
Waste Management Facilities
Union Hall/Training Facility
1 / seat in auditorium or meeting space
Mini Warehouses/Self Storage
4/100 storage units
Places of Assembly
1 / every 3 seats
Places of Worship
Regional Religious Institution
Governmental Uses/Post Offices
As determined by the Plan Commission
Medical Uses
2.5 / 250 NFA
Acute Care Centers
Medical and Rehabilitation Facilities
Service and Utility Uses, Public or Private
0.5 / 250 NFA
Free-Standing Solar Energy Collection System, Primary
0.5 / 250 NFA
Accessory Uses
Outdoor Display/Sales of Merchandise, Permanent
0.5 / 250 NFA
Outdoor Activities and Operations, Permanent
Outdoor Dining, without alcohol sales/consumption
Outdoor Dining, with alcohol sales/consumption
   (D)   Pedestrian circulation standards.
      (1)   Off-street parking areas shall include pedestrian circulation systems to ensure the safety of pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists.
      (2)   The on-site pedestrian circulation system must connect all buildings on the site to one another and provide connections to required vehicle and bicycle parking spaces.
      (3)   The on-site pedestrian circulation system must connect building entrances to adjacent public rights-of-way along direct routes that do not require significant out-of-direction travel if sidewalks or pedestrian paths exist along the public right-of-way.
      (4)   The on-site pedestrian circulation system shall provide at least one connection to adjacent properties along a shared street frontage. Connections must provide access to existing walkways on adjacent properties, or to the likely future location of walkways on those properties. The Director of Engineering Services may waive this requirement upon determining that no walkway exists, a future walkway is unlikely to exist, or such connection would create a safety hazard.
   (E)   Bicycle parking requirements.
      (1)   Purpose. This section is established to ensure the provision of bicycle parking facilities in furtherance of a safe, complete, and efficient network of streets, bicycle-pedestrian facilities and other infrastructure to serve users in any surface transportation mode.
      (2)   Location.
         (a)   Required bicycle parking shall be provided on the same lot as the use for which it is intended to serve.
         (b)   Bicycle racks shall be located such that they are highly visible, with adequate lighting, from the street and/or building entrance(s) from where bicyclists approach.
         (c)   The location of bicycle parking shall not conflict with pedestrian and/or motor vehicle circulation.
         (d)   Bicycle parking shall be sited within 50 feet of a building's main entrance. If provided indoors, bicycle parking shall be located within a common area designated for secure bicycle storage.
         (e)   Bicycle parking adjacent to a pedestrian walkway shall be sited to ensure that a minimum five foot walkway clearance is maintained.
      (3)   Design criteria.
         (a)   Bicycle parking facilities shall be of high quality.
         (b)   Bicycle racks shall be installed on a hard surface area. The hard surface surrounding each bicycle rack shall measure at least six feet by six feet in size.
         (c)   Each bicycle rack shall provide parking for at least two bicycles.
         (d)   Racks shall allow for the bicycle frame and at least one wheel to be locked to the racks.
         (e)   The bicycle rack shall allow for the use of cable and U-shaped locks.
         (f)   Installation of bicycle parking facilities shall conform to the manufacturer's requirements.
      (4)   Dimensional standards. (See Figure 16-5-2(E)(4))
         (a)   Each bicycle parking space shall be a minimum six feet in length.
         (b)   Each bicycle parking space shall be located at least three feet in all directions from any obstruction, including but not limited to other bicycle racks, walls, doors, posts, columns, or landscaping.
         (c)   A minimum vertical clearance of seven feet shall be maintained above all bicycle parking facilities.
Bicycle Parking Spot Dimensions (16-5-2(E)(4))
      (5)   Required bicycle parking.
         (a)   Exemption. The bicycle parking requirements of this section shall apply to all uses other than the following:
            I.   Single-unit detached uses;
            II.   Single-unit attached uses;
            III.   Any auto-oriented business use;
         (b)   When the required amount of bicycle parking is two spaces or less, the use shall provide a minimum of two spaces in a bicycle parking facility.
         (c)   Unless otherwise specified herein, bicycle parking shall be provided at the ratio specified in Table 16-5-2(E): Bicycle Parking Requirements.
Table 16-5-2(E): Bicycle Parking Requirements
Required Spaces
0-5 Dwelling Units - none required
>5 Dwelling Units - 10% of required vehicle parking
2.5% of required vehicle parking
   (F)   Off-street loading requirements. On the same premises with every building erected and occupied for any nonresidential use involving the receipt or distribution of vehicles, materials, or merchandise, there shall be provided and maintained adequate space for standing, turning, loading, and unloading services in a manner that does not interfere with required parking, pedestrian walkways, and with the public use of streets and alleys.
      (1)   Location.
         (a)   All required loading berths shall be located on the same zoning lot as the use served.
         (b)   No loading berth for vehicles over two tons capacity shall be located closer than 50 feet to any property in a residential district unless completely enclosed by building walls or a uniformly painted solid fence or wall, or any combination thereof, not less than six feet high.
         (c)   No permitted or required loading berth shall be located within 25 feet of the nearest point of intersection of any two streets.
         (d)   All loading and unloading docks where the public access road to such docks has a right-of-way width of less than 80 feet shall be located at least 65 feet behind the property line.
         (e)   No loading or unloading docks shall be located in any front yard or exterior side yard where that street has a right-of-way width of 80 feet or greater.
      (2)   Access.
         (a)   Each required off-street loading berth shall be designed with appropriate means of vehicular access to a street or easement in a manner which will least interfere with traffic movements.
         (b)   Every loading berth shall be provided with sufficient maneuvering space to accommodate the largest vehicle likely to serve the lot.
         (c)   The loading berth access design for lots located on major streets shall allow vehicles to access and exit the loading space without having to make any backing movement on or onto the public street.
         (d)   For the purposes of this section of the UDOe, major streets are as follows:
            I.   Army Trail Road
            II.   Kuhn Road
            III.   County Farm Road
            IV.   Lies Road
            V.   Fair Oaks Road
            VI.   Morton Road
            VII.   Fullerton Avenue
            VIII.   North Avenue
            IX.   Gary Avenue
            X.   Schmale Road
            XI.   Kehoe Boulevard
            XII.   St. Charles Road
            XIII.   Kimberly Drive
      (3)   Utilization. Space allocated to any off-street loading berth shall not, while so allocated, be used to satisfy the requirements for any off-street parking space.
(Ord. 2021-05-16, passed 5-3-2021; Ord. 2021-09-45, passed 9-20-2021; Ord. 2022-01-04, passed 1-13-2022; Ord. 2022-02-11, passed 2-22-2022; Ord. 2022-05-21, passed 5-2-2022; Ord. 2023-03-08, passed 3-20-2023; Ord. 2024-06-30, passed 6-3-2024)