(A)   Maintenance standards shall be conducted by users in order to ensure the proper operation of interceptors and traps. If the operations of a specific user modify the need to follow the specified standards, the user can request a variance from the District in writing on the form provided by the District.
   (B)   Unless the District issues a written variance to a user, the user is responsible for meeting the specified minimum maintenance standards of this section.
      (1)   Access to interceptors and traps shall be maintained to allow inspection and maintenance to be performed. Inspections shall be performed at appropriate frequency to ensure adequate operation of the interceptor or trap and to evaluate effectiveness of best management practices to control sources of pollutants.
      (2)   Interceptors shall be operated so that the accumulated grease and solid waste does not meet or exceed 25% of the unit’s capacity. Determinations shall normally be made by measuring the depth of the layers within a unit.
      (3)   Interceptors shall be cleaned at least once every 90 days. Interceptor cleaning shall be conducted to pump all the liquid and solid contents of the unit, and the sides will be cleaned of any substantial build-up of grease and solid wastes.
      (4)   Traps shall be cleaned according to the District Engineer (e.g., daily, weekly) when conducted by user’s employees, and shall be pumped of all the liquid and solid contents using a licensed and permitted waste hauler at least once every 30 days.
      (5)   The user may clean smaller traps in lieu of using a licensed and permitted waste hauler at least once every 30 days provided that all the standards for cleaning traps are met, including, but not limited to, removal of all liquids and solids and not decanting wastes.
      (6)   The user shall document the proper disposal of the wastes removed from the trap as required in this section.
      (7)   Decanting of wastes removed from an interceptor or trap is prohibited when a licensed and permitted waste hauler is used to clean a unit. Wastes removed from the interceptor or trap shall not be reintroduced into the unit cleaned or any other connection to the District’s sewer collection system unless the location is specifically authorized in a current waste hauler permit.
      (8)   The user shall maintain records documenting proper maintenance of the interceptor or trap. The disposal location (name, address, phone number for off-site facilities) for wastes removed from an interceptor or trap shall be recorded and made available for inspection upon request.
(Ord. 2022-02, passed 3-31-2022)