§ 35.002 ACRONYMS.
   (A)   BMP - Best management practices;
   (B)   BOD - Biochemical oxygen demand;
   (C)   CAWD - Carmel Area Wastewater District;
   (D)   CERCLA - Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act;
   (E)   C.F.R. - Code of Federal Regulations;
   (F)   CWA - Clean Water Act;
   (G)   EPA - Environmental Protection Agency;
   (H)   ESCA - Enforcement compliance schedule agreement;
   (I)   FWPCA - Federal Water Pollution Control Act;
   (J)   GM - General Manager;
   (K)   LEL - Lower explosive limit;
   (L)   NPDES - National pollutant discharge elimination system;
   (M)   POTW - Publicly owned treatment works;
   (N)   RCRA - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act;
   (O)   SDPC - Slug discharge prevention and contingency plans;
   (P)   SWDA - Solid Waste Disposal Act;
   (Q)   TSCA - Toxic Substances Control Act;
   (R)   TSS - Total suspended solids; and
   (S)   U.S.C. - United States Code.
(Ord. 2022-02, passed 3-31-2022)