Town Hall Meeting Room Policy
1068.01   Use of facilities by community based organizations; adherence to policy required.
1068.02   Available facilities.
1068.03   Purpose; permitted groups.
1068.04   Rules and regulations.
Council meetings - see CHTR. Sec. 4.10; ADM. 220.01
Open meetings - see CHTR. Sec. 9.03
Possession of Municipal property - see GEN. OFF. 642.23
Disturbing a lawful meeting - see GEN. OFF. 648.05
Smoking in places of public assembly - see GEN. OFF. 660.14
   The Municipality will make available certain facilities within Town Hall for community based organizations. Those organizations that wish to make use of these facilities shall adhere to the policies governing the usage of the facilities provided in this chapter.
(Ord. 4-93. Passed 2-9-93.)
   Located in Town Hall are two rooms that are available for small group meetings, i.e. groups of between five to forty persons.
(Ord. 4-93. Passed 2-9-93.)
   The purpose of this policy is to open up the facilities to community based groups that have no other place to meet. Those groups that are permitted to make use of the facilities shall be non profit, non denominational, community based groups located within the boundaries of the Municipality.
(Ord. 4-93. Passed 2-9-93.)
   To ensure the protection of governmental property and recognizing the fact that any service offered to the public does have a cost, the following rules and regulations shall govern the usage of Town Hall facilities by non profit, community based groups:
   (a)   Groups wishing to reserve Council Chambers (and, when ready, the multipurpose room) for use must come to the Manager's office two weeks prior to the meeting date they seek. Availability shall be on a first come, first serve basis: whoever reserves it first gets the room. Governmental functions take priority over all other functions.
   (b)   At the time of reservation, the group must:
      (1)   Fill out a reservation request form, detailing the nature of the group, the intended usage of the facility, the number of guests expected, the name, address and phone number of the contact person for the group and the number of hours the facility will be used.
      (2)   If the facility is to be used after 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, or anytime during the weekend or on a governmental holiday, be assessed a rental fee. If the group schedules the facility for a time that is during regular business hours of Town Hall (8:00 a.m to 4:30 p.m.), there shall be no rental fee. However, if the meeting goes beyond the regular working hours, the group shall be charged for the time exceeding work hours by the half hour.
      (3)   Present a refundable cleaning and damage deposit. The group must also fill out the damage responsibility form. The group shall be responsible for any damage that exceeds the deposit. All damage must be reported.
      (4)   Fill out the liability waiver form and present proof of adequate liability insurance to the Municipality.
   (c)   The Council Chambers is not a banquet facility. Therefore, groups cannot hold breakfasts, luncheons or dinners therein. Snack variety foods shall be permissible. Alcoholic beverages are not permissible.
   (d)   After completion of the meeting, the group is responsible for returning the facility to the state it was prior to the meeting (i.e. furniture must be placed as it was prior to the meeting) and cleaning the facility completely. Failure to do so shall result in loss of the deposit.
   (e)   The contact person listed on the reservation form shall be responsible for all guests (i.e. such guests' conduct, arrival, departure, etc.).
   (f)   If the majority of guests are under the age of eighteen, then for every seven minors there shall be one adult.
   (g)   All meetings must conclude by 9:30 p.m.
   (h)   Users of the Town Hall facility shall abide by the general rules of conduct established for employees of the Municipality and those rules and regulations mandated by the State and the United States of America and their agents, including, but not limited to, the following prohibitions:
      (1)   No smoking;
      (2)   No open flames;
      (3)   No obstruction of entrances and exits; and
      (4)   No behavior that places at risk persons or property.
         (Ord. 4-93. Passed 2-9-93.)