(a)   Required. All significant industrial users proposing to connect to or discharge into any part of the POTW must first obtain a discharge permit. All existing significant industrial users connected to or discharging into any part of the POTW must obtain a wastewater discharge permit within ninety days from and after the effective date of this chapter.
   (b)   Application; Fee. Users seeking a wastewater discharge permit shall complete and file an application form prescribed by the Municipality and pay the applicable fee.
   The Municipality will evaluate the data furnished by the user and may require additional information. After evaluation and acceptance of the data furnished, the Municipality may issue a wastewater discharge permit subject to terms and conditions provided herein.
   (c)   Conditions. Wastewater discharge permits shall be expressly subject to all provisions of this chapter and all other State and Federal laws and regulations, other local ordinances and user charges and fees established by the Municipality. Wastewater discharge permits shall be uniformly enforced in accordance with this chapter and applicable State and Federal requirements, laws and regulations. Permit conditions may include, but not be limited to, the following:
      (1)   Limits on rate and time of discharge or requirements for flow equalization;
      (2)   Requirements for installation of inspection and sampling facilities, and specifications for monitoring programs;
      (3)   Requirements for maintaining and submitting technical reports and plant records relating to wastewater discharges;
      (4)   Limits on specific pollutants;
      (5)   Compliance schedules; and
      (6)   Other conditions necessary for compliance with this chapter and other applicable State and Federal laws, rules and regulations.
   (d)   Duration. Permits shall be issued for a specified time period, not to exceed five years. A permit may be issued for a period of less than one year and may be stated to expire on a specific date. The terms and conditions of the permit may be subject to modification and change by the Municipality during the life of the permit, as limitations or requirements are modified and changed. Any changes or new conditions in the permit shall include a reasonable time schedule for compliance.
   (e)   Transfer. Permits may be reassigned or transferred to a new owner and/or operator with prior approval of the Municipality. The permittee must give at least thirty days advance written notice to the Municipality. The notice must include a written certification by the new owner/operator, which certification states that the new owner has no immediate intent to change the facility's operations and processes, identifies the specific date on which the transfer is to occur and acknowledges full responsibility for complying with the existing permit.
   (f)   Termination. Wastewater discharge permits may be terminated for the following reasons:
      (1)   Falsifying self monitoring reports;
      (2)   Tampering with monitoring equipment;
      (3)   Refusing to allow authorized Municipal personnel timely access to the facility premises and records;
      (4)   Failure to meet effluent limitations;
      (5)   Failure to pay fines;
      (6)   Failure to pay sewer charges; or
      (7)   Failure to meet compliance schedules.
         (Ord. 5-91. Passed 2-26-91.)