290.01 Clerk of Mayor's Court.
290.02 Employment of counsel to represent Municipality.
290.03 Attorneys for indigents.
290.04 Furtherance of Justice Fund.
290.05 Cash drawer fund.
Mayor's court jurisdiction - see Ohio R.C. 1905.01 et seq.
Mayor's powers and duties - see Ohio R.C. 1905.20 et seq.
Contempt of court - see Ohio R.C. 1905.28, 1907.171 et seq., 2935.11
Peace and search warrants - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 2933
Detection and arrest - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 2935
Preliminary examination; bail - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 2937
Notification to Director of liquor law convictions - see Ohio R.C. 4301.991
Record of traffic violations - see Ohio R.C. 4513.37
The position of Clerk of the Mayor's Court is hereby established. The duties of such Clerk shall be determined by the Mayor. The Clerk shall be compensated as determined by Council for service as Clerk, such compensation to be paid from the General Fund. In the absence of and outside of the established working hours of such Clerk, deputy clerks, established by ordinance, shall serve without compensation for their duties as deputy clerks.
(Ord. 38-86. Passed 11-10-86.)
The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to employ counsel to represent the Municipality and Municipal officials in all criminal matters in which the Municipality may be concerned, including representation in the Mayor's Court and the Franklin Municipal Court.
(Ord. 2-70. Passed 2-12-70.)
(a) The Clerk of the Mayor's Court shall keep a list of attorneys who are available for appointment for the defense of defendants who qualify as indigent persons. Assignments shall be made from such list.
(b) Compensation of attorneys assigned by the Mayor's Court for the defense of indigent persons, before either the Mayor's Court or the Franklin Municipal Court, shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each defendant.
(Ord. 36-80. Passed 12-22-80.)
(a) In order to provide funds to obtain evidence, by undercover means, to support the apprehension and prosecution of criminals, a fund, amount to be determined by the Manager, is hereby established. Such Fund shall be known as the Furtherance of Justice Fund.
(b) The Furtherance of Justice Fund shall be under the direct control of the Chief of Police.
(c) The money for the Furtherance of Justice Fund shall be obtained from appropriate cash receipts of the Mayor's Court, and other money authorized by the Manager.
(Ord. 5-86. Passed 2-24-86.)
(a) A cash drawer fund in the amount of two hundred dollars ($200.00) is hereby established for the Clerk of the Mayor’s Court that will exist as part of the total resources of the Municipality.
(b) Such fund shall be for the sole purpose of making change for cash transactions.
(c) The Clerk of the Mayor’s Court shall maintain such fund and shall balance said fund on a daily basis.
(d) Under no circumstances shall such fund be used to cash a personal check or third party check or be used for Municipal expenditures.
(e) The Finance Director shall audit the fund.