Signs, as permitted in the various zoning districts, shall be professionally designed, constructed and installed so as to be compatible in character with regard to the architecture of the building on which they are located, and with the material, color and size of signs designed or located on the same building and on adjoining buildings in order to produce an overall unified effect in accordance with the standards set forth in this section.
(a) Wall or Panel Signs. A wall or panel sign shall not project more than twelve inches from the building wall to which it is attached and shall not project above the building wall or coping of a mansard roof.
(b) Projecting Signs. Projecting signs shall not extend more than three feet from the face of a building and the lowest portion of such sign shall not be less than eight feet above the finished grade of a sidewalk or other pedestrian way.
(c) Sign Height. Maximum height of freestanding signs shall be in accordance with the height limitations as specified in the applicable zoning district regulations.
(d) Vertical Dimension. The lowest member of all signs which are supported or suspended from a building shall not be less than eight feet above the finished grade of a sidewalk or other pedestrian way. If located over a pavement used for vehicular traffic or within eighteen inches of the vertical projection of the edges of such pavement, the lowest member of the sign shall not be less than fifteen feet above the finished pavement.
(e) Relation to Openings. Signs shall not project over or obstruct the required windows or doors of any building.
(f) Relation to Traffic Devices. Signs shall not be erected so as to obstruct sight lines along any public way, traffic control lights, street name signs at intersections, or street sight lines or signals at railroad grade crossings. Signs visible from the sight lines along a street shall not contain an arrow or words such as “stop”, “go”, “slow”, etc.; and the movement, content, coloring or manner of illumination shall not resemble traffic control signs.
(g) Movement Restrictions. No sign shall incorporate movement or the illusion of movement. Pennants, streamers, banners, and other non-rigid devices are prohibited. No sign shall employ any parts or elements which revolve, rotate, whirl, spin, flash or otherwise make use of motion to attract attention, excepting any sign performing a public service, or an informational sign which shall not rotate more than once every 20 seconds. Banners, posters, pennants, ribbons, streamers, spinners, strings of lights, air balloons, electronic billboards or other similar devices for the purpose of advertising or attracting attention are prohibited. Business flags and informational signs are an exception.
(h) Signs on Corner Lots. No sign shall be allowed within a triangle formed between points on the front and side street right-of-way lines within thirty-five feet from their intersection.
(i) Continuity. Signs and their placement shall be considered in relation to their surroundings and, if seen in series on a building wall or walls, shall have a continuity of design with respect to shape, materials and color.
(j) Style and Color. The style or design of signs shall be consistent throughout a particular building or group of buildings; the colors of signs shall be compatible with the color of the building facade(s) and other existing and proposed signs and shall be limited to four colors in addition to white and black which shall be submitted by the owner and approved by the Zoning Inspector.
(k) Graphics. The lettering on a sign shall be clearly legible and in scale with the sign surface upon which it is placed. Changeable copy signs are permitted only for informational signs, as permitted in Section 1169.08
(l) Materials. Signs shall be constructed of materials which are of appropriate quality and durability, and which are compatible with the materials of the building upon which such signs are placed.
(m) Structural Design. The construction, erection and maintenance of all signs shall be in compliance with the State Building Code and all other applicable Municipal standards and regulations. (Ord. 2008-17. Passed 11-17-08.)