Signs accessory to a public facility located within an S-1 zoning district which announce and/or support events, programs, activities, issues or candidates shall be designed, erected, altered, moved and maintained, in whole or in part in accordance with the following regulations:
   (a)   One wall or panel nameplate may be placed on each building.
   (b)   Directional ground signs not exceeding three square feet in single face sign area and three feet in height may be permitted on any building lot but not less than ten feet from any lot line and street right-of-way line . The only words permitted on directional signs shall be “enter” or “exit”.
   (c)   One identification ground sign not exceeding five feet in height indicating the name and address of the public facility may be permitted on any building lot.
      (Ord. 2008-17. Passed 11-17-08.)