Before the maintenance, operation, construction, or improvement of an off street parking lot with more than four (4) spaces, a certificate of zoning use shall be obtained for same. No permit shall be issued until the plans and specifications of the lot have been submitted to the administrative official and it is determined that all of the following standards have been met:
A. Minimum Parking Space Requirements: Each required parking space shall meet the following minimum stall and aisle requirements which are based on the angle of proposed parking stalls as shown in table A, "Parking Stall And Module Dimensions", of this section.
B. Space And Aisle Construction:
1. All spaces and aisles in off street parking areas with more than four (4) spaces shall be constructed in accordance with applicable provisions of "Standard Specifications For Road And Bridge Construction" as adopted January 1, 2012, by the Illinois department of transportation, or as hereafter supplemented, amended or superseded as follows with:
a. A minimum of six inches (6") of stabilized rock, gravel, or crushed stone base, and surfaced with two inches (2") of hot mix asphalt; or
b. A minimum of six inches (6") of portland cement concrete poured over earth compacted to ninety percent (90%) standard laboratory density, unless, due to soil conditions or other concerns, higher standards are deemed necessary by the public works director and concurred with by the development assistance committee as provided by section of this title. All spaces and aisles in the LI and GI districts that are located within a fenced storage area may be constructed to the standards as outlined in subsection of this chapter.
2. All spaces and aisles in the F, AG, and RR districts of this title shall be constructed with: a minimum of six inches (6") of stabilized rock, gravel, or crushed stone base, and surfaced with a type A-3 surface as set forth in "Standard Specifications For Road And Bridge Construction" as adopted by Illinois department of transportation on January 1, 2012, or as hereafter supplemented, amended or superseded, unless due to other concerns, higher standards are deemed necessary by the public works director and concurred with by the development assistance committee.
3. All accessible spaces shall comply with the Americans with disabilities act (ADA) and the Illinois accessibility code (IAC) and other applicable federal or state standards and requirements.
C. Parking Lot Striping: All standard spaces shall be marked using four inch (4") wide white paint. All accessible spaces shall be marked using high visibility yellow paint in accordance with the Americans with disabilities act (ADA) and the Illinois accessibility code (IAC) and other applicable federal or state standards and requirements. This shall apply to any new construction or anytime an existing parking lot is repaired or resurfaced.
D. Accessibility: All accessible routes shall comply with the Americans with disabilities act (ADA) and the Illinois accessibility code (IAC) and other applicable federal or state standards and requirements.
E. Flow Direction Designation: The location of each parking space, each entrance or exit, and the direction of traffic flow shall be marked by appropriate traffic control signs and surface marking.
F. Entrances And Exits: Entrances and exits shall be located so as to minimize traffic congestion and shall be approved by the administrative official. Circulation patterns and exits shall be designed so that all vehicles will leave the parking lot and enter the public street going forward. All exits shall include a minimum thirty inch (30") stop sign.
G. Circulation Pattern: Provisions shall be made for a safe and convenient circulation pattern within any parking lot. Public rights of way and public and/or private streets shall not be used for parking lot circulation.
H. Curb Cuts: Proposed curb cut widths shall be kept to a minimum consistent with vehicular and pedestrian safety; curb cut radii shall allow safe ingress and egress of vehicles from and to the proper lane of traffic on the street which they adjoin. All curb cuts and aprons located on the public right of way shall be a minimum of six inches (6") of portland cement concrete. Existing curb cuts and curb cut radii shall be used only if they comply with standards for proposed curb cuts and curb radii. If existing curb cuts are not utilized at the time of development, the curb cut shall be removed and replaced in accordance with existing street conditions. Curb cut widths shall be regulated by the Illinois department of transportation's bureau of local roads manual.
I. Bumper Blocks: All parking lots shall provide bumper blocks or wheel stops to prevent encroachment of vehicles on sidewalks.
J. Attendant Shelter: Shelter for the use of a parking lot attendant (if any) erected on a parking lot shall not exceed three hundred (300) cubic feet and shall be designed so as to complement its surroundings.
K. Lighting: Parking lots are required to provide a system of lighting in accordance with the following standards. For general site lighting requirements, see section 15.4.3 of this chapter.
1. A minimum of 0.125 foot-candle of illumination at any space and an average of 0.25 foot-candle of illumination for the entire lot shall be provided and the foot-candles of illumination shall be consistent with city codes and subject to review of the public works director. A photometric plan shall be submitted showing light levels at thirty foot (30') intervals.
2. All outdoor lighting fixtures shall employ one or more of the following techniques to reduce glare or spillage: full cutoff fixtures; fully shielded fixtures, or "NEMA" type II, III and IV reflectors and shall be maintained in such a manner as to confine light rays to the premises. All lighting, regardless of location, shall be designed to prevent direct glare, light spillage, and hazardous interference with automotive, bicycle and pedestrian traffic on adjacent streets and properties.
3. In all residential areas or on any site located within one hundred feet (100') of property zoned in any R-1 or R-2 district, the maximum height above ground level of parking lot lights shall be fifteen feet (15').
4. Commercial or industrial areas that are not located within one hundred feet (100') of property zoned R-1 or R-2, the maximum height above ground level of parking lot lights shall be thirty feet (30').
5. In nonvehicular pedestrian areas the light height shall not exceed fifteen feet (15').
6. No luminaire or lamppost shall exceed thirty feet (30') in height except those provided in an LI, GI, PAD, or SIU district or those illuminating recreational sports fields or arenas during hours of use.
7. In parking lots containing more than four (4) light poles, the light poles shall be numbered in a manner that makes them easily identifiable. (Ord. 2013-20)
L. Minimum Off Street Parking Lot Stall And Module Dimensions:
1. Minimum Stall And Module Dimensions: All public and private off street parking lots shall meet the following minimum stall and module dimensions as shown in table A, "Parking Stall And Module Dimensions", of this section.
Angle | Stall Type | Width | Vehicle Projection (A) | Aisle (B) | Typical Module (C) | Interlock Reduction (D) | Vehicle Overhang (E) |
0° | PAR | 21'0" | 8'0" | 10'0" | 26'0" | - | 2'0" |
45° | STD | 9'0" | 18'10" | 13'8" | 51'6" | 2'3" | 2'3" |
60° | STD | 9'0" | 18'11" | 15'8" | 53'8" | 1'6" | 2'6" |
75° | STD | 9'0" | 19'2" | 19'8" | 58'0" | 0'9" | 2'9" |
90° | STD | 9'0" | 18'0" | 24'0" | 60'0" | - | 2'0" |
a. The parking module (dimension C per figure A of this section) shall be computed by adding the vehicle projection in the parked stall (dimension A) to the required aisle width (dimension B) for that angle of parking. The module shall be the clear dimension between walls or other obstructions except that columns of a combined maximum dimension of two feet (2') may protrude into a module with a parking angle between forty five degrees (45°) and seventy five degrees (75°) up to two feet (2') from the face of the wall. A vehicle overhang (dimension E) will be allowed as shown in table A of this section to reduce the overall paved module. No vehicle overhang shall project into any sidewalk or landscaped area.

(Ord. 2013-31)
2. Design Standards For Parking And Circulation For Miniwarehouses: Before the development, operation or improvement of a miniwarehouse project, a zoning certificate shall be obtained for same. No permit shall be issued until the plans and specifications of the development have been submitted to the administrative official and it is determined that all of the following standards will be met:
a. There shall be a minimum of twenty two feet (22') between warehouse buildings for driveway, customer parking, customer loading, and fire lane purposes. Where such driveways do not serve storage cubicles, or serve only one row of cubicles, eighteen feet (18') shall be the minimum driveway width for two- way traffic. For one-way traffic serving no cubicles, a twelve foot (12') minimum driveway width is required.
b. Required driveway shall be surfaced to meet the standards required in the zoning district in which the miniwarehouse is to be located.
c. Off street parking spaces shall be required in accordance with this section for the use of current prospective customers at the project office and for the manager's quarters (if provided). If more than four (4) spaces are required for the project office, such spaces shall be developed in accordance with this section as required for surface parking lots.
d. If the miniwarehouses are accessible to customers after dark, a system of lighting shall be provided for the driveway areas servicing the storage cubicles.
3. Design Standards For Parking Structures: Parking structures shall meet the following standards in addition to industry engineering design standards:
a. Each required parking space shall meet the minimum stall and module requirements established by table A of this section.
b. The location of each parking space, each entrance or exit, and the direction of traffic flow shall be marked by appropriate traffic control signs and surface marking as outlined in this section.
c. The grade (slope) of any portion of floor area designated for parking within any parking structure shall not exceed six percent (6%) to maintain comfortable parking on any sloped floor.
d. Parking structures shall be designed with a minimum vertical clearance of eight feet (8') at all points necessary to gain access and use of all proposed or designated handicap spaces. The minimum vertical clearances shall be clearly marked at the entrances of the parking structure and elsewhere as appropriate within the parking structure.
e. Where parking structures are to be used after dark, a system of lighting shall be provided in accordance with this section.
(1) Generally, the maximum height above ground level of exterior lights shall be thirty feet (30'), excepting those lights required to illuminate any roof deck parking areas. Such roof deck lights shall be shielded and positioned to direct light only on the roof deck and not on adjacent areas.
f. Parking structures shall be designed to screen all vehicle light within the structure to prevent direct illumination of adjacent areas. Opaque screening constructed to a minimum height of four feet (4') above the driving floor shall be provided around the perimeter of the parking structure, except at approved entrances and exits.
g. Trees shall be required in accordance with the quantities established by section 15.4.1 of this chapter divided by the number of floors in the parking structure.
h. Proposed curb cut widths shall be kept to a minimum consistent with vehicular and pedestrian safety; curb cut radii shall allow safe ingress and egress of vehicles from and to the proper lane of traffic on the street which they adjoin. Existing curb cuts and curb cut radii shall be used only if they comply with standards for proposed curb cuts and curb radii.
i. Entrances and exits shall be located so as to minimize traffic congestion and shall be approved by the administrative official.
Provisions shall be made for a safe and convenient circulation pattern within any parking structure. (Ord. 2013-20)