A.   General Standards:
      1.   All principal uses are subject to the general standards for height, setback, signs, parking and other matters, as applicable to the district in which the use is located.
      2.   Approval of principal uses may be subject to reasonable conditions imposed through the approval process to ensure compatibility between the proposed use and the permitted uses in the district.
   B.   Special Performance And Design Standards:
      1.   Certain principal uses are subject to additional standards in some or all districts.
      2.   Additional standards and/or conditions may be added as part of a special use approval.
      3.   Additional standards are set forth in section 15.4.7 of this title and are in addition to the general district standards.
   C.   Mobile Home Standards:
      1.   Nonconforming, Removal By December 1, 2014: All existing nonconforming mobile homes located in an AG, RR, SIU, or R-1 district that are not the primary structure, and all nonconforming mobile homes located in any other zoning district, other than those located within a registered mobile home park, shall be removed by December 1, 2014. Following that date they will not be considered a legal nonconforming use and shall not be subject to chapter 7, "Nonconformities", of this title.
      2.   Property Maintenance: All existing mobile homes in all zoning districts, used for residential purposes, shall comply with the international property maintenance code and must be maintained in a sanitary and habitable condition.
      3.   Vacant, Nuisance: All existing nonconforming mobile homes used for residential purposes that are vacant for a period of six (6) months or more after December 1, 2009, are hereby declared to be abandoned for residential purposes and if used for residential purposes after such abandonment, will constitute a nuisance under this code.
   D.   Extended Stay Motels/Hotels:
      1.   Occupancy Standards: Occupancy of any hotel or motel, or bed and breakfast inn, by any individual shall be limited to no more than thirty (30) consecutive days; provided that such occupancy shall be allowed for more than thirty (30) days within extended stay units as defined in section 15.11.4 of this title and which comply with the city of Carbondale's adopted residential building and fire codes.
   E.   Community Gardens. The purpose of this section is to establish general guidelines to promote the orderly development, management, and maintenance of community gardens in order to provide an avenue for members of the community to grow plants and/or produce for beautification, education, recreation, food security, and/or community distribution.
      1.   Community gardens may not interfere with or encroach upon sight visibility as outlined in 15.4.6.
      2.   The property owner of the parcel where the community garden is located must give written permission to those sharing the use of the garden, which the users must secure and keep on file prior to receiving a city-issued Community Garden Zoning Certificate.
      3.   The Community Garden Zoning Certificate must be accompanied by a design and maintenance plan, which shall include, but is not limited to the following:
         a.   Location of proposed accessory structures;
         b.   Location of proposed fencing;
         c.   Approximate location and size of planting beds;
         d.   Proposed plant species;
         e.   Estimated number of community garden volunteers;
         f.   Proposed structure to log volunteer hours;
         g.   Applicant summary expressing target harvest weight and/or intentions of the community garden;
      4.   The signatory of the Community Gardens Zoning Certificate assumes legal responsibility for the maintenance and disassembly of the community garden in the case of disrepair or disuse.
(Ord. 2013-20; Ord. 2023-18)