A.   Code Adopted: The International Mechanical Code in its most current edition, as published from time to time (hereinafter referred to as the "Mechanical Code" for the design and installation of mechanical systems through requirements emphasizing performance that safeguard the public health and safety), is hereby adopted by reference.
   B.   Purpose: The purpose of this Code is to provide minimum regulations for mechanical systems for the design, construction, quality of materials, erection, installation, location, or maintenance of mechanical systems using prescriptive and performance-related provisions.
   C.   Code On File: A copy of the Mechanical Code shall be kept on file in the office of the City Clerk and same is hereby adopted and incorporated by this Chapter as fully as if set out in length herein. The provisions hereof, including all deletions or modifications, shall be controlling in the construction and installation of all mechanical systems within the jurisdiction of the City.
   D.   Exceptions And Modifications: The International Mechanical Code is adopted as set forth hereinabove with the following exceptions and modifications:
Any and all provisions contained in the International Mechanical Code referring to the following terms or phrases are hereby deleted and shall be governed by the Carbondale City Code:
Board of Appeals
Permit fee
   (Ord. 96-60)