A. Specific Days, License Classification: It shall be unlawful to sell, to offer for sale, deliver, or permit to be possessed or consumed upon any licensed premises, any alcoholic liquor except during the following hours:
1. From six o'clock (6:00) A.M. until one fifty nine o'clock (1:59) A.M. of the next day.
2. From six o'clock (6:00) A.M. until two fifty nine o'clock (2:59) A.M. of the next day on New Year's Eve.
B. Time Margin:
1. Thirty (30) Minute Time Margin: It shall be unlawful to keep any on-premises or off-premises - primary licensed establishment open for business, to admit the public or permit the public to remain within, or to permit the consumption of alcoholic liquor by any person in or upon the licensed premises in which alcoholic liquor is sold at retail, thirty (30) minutes after the authorized service hours identified in subsection A. No person except the licensee and their employees shall enter the licensed premises between the closing hour as set forth hereinabove and six o'clock (6:00) A.M. for all licenses with the exception of restaurants and off premises secondary license holders.
2. Off-Premises Secondary License Holders Also Offering Other Sales: Any licensed premises, issued an off-premises secondary license for which the sale of alcoholic beverages is not the principal business, may remain open to the public during the hours that the public would otherwise be prohibited from being on the premises. (Ord. 2021-22)