19-1-22: REPORTS:
On or before March 31 of each year during the term of any agreement awarding a franchise in accordance herewith, all operator(s) shall submit a written report to the City, in a form approved by the City, including, but not limited to, the following information:
   A.   A summary of the previous year's or, in the case of the initial reporting year, the initial year's activities in development of the cable communications system, including, but not limited to, services begun or discontinued, total number of subscribers, subscribers added or discontinued during the reporting year, and user participation;
   B.   A financial statement including a statement of income, revenues, operating expenses, original cost of the system retired from service during the previous year, the original cost of the system added to service during the previous year, the total original cost of the system in service and used and useful at the end of the previous year, all other annual capital expenditures, book depreciation with an attached depreciation schedule, interest paid, taxes actually paid, historic and pro forma balance sheets and a statement of sources and application of funds, covering all years since the beginning of the franchise.
   C.   A current statement of costs of construction by component categories.
   D.   A projected income statement, balance sheet, statement of sources and applications of funds and statement of projected construction for the next two (2) years;
   E.   A reconciliation between previously projected construction and/or financial estimates as the case may be and actual results;
   F.   A summary of complaints, identifying the number and nature of complaints and their disposition;
   G.   A list of officers and members of the board of directors of the operator, and its parent, subsidiary of affiliated corporations, if any;
   H.   A list of its stockholders holding three percent (3%) or more of the voting stock of the operator, or its parent, subsidiary and affiliated corporations, if any;
   I.   A copy of its annual report and those of its parent, subsidiary and affiliated corporations;
   J.   Such other information or reports as the City may request. (Ord. 90-85)