A.   The city council may exercise, in connection with any redevelopment or development project, any of the powers granted to it hereafter by the laws and the constitution of the state, including, but not limited to, the following:
      1.   Acquire, manage, convey or otherwise dispose of real and personal property acquired pursuant to the provisions of a redevelopment or development project;
      2.   Apply for and accept grants and loans from the United States and the state of Illinois, or any instrumentality of the United States or the state, for redevelopment or development purposes;
      3.   Borrow funds as it may be deemed necessary for the purpose of redevelopment or development and in this connection issue such obligation or revenue bonds as it shall be deemed necessary;
      4.   Enter into contracts with any public or private agency or person;
      5.   Sell, lease, trade or improve such real property as may be acquired in connection with a redevelopment or development project;
      6.   Employ all such persons as may be necessary for the planning, administration and implementation of redevelopment or development projects;
      7.   Exercise the use of eminent domain for the acquisition of real and personal property for the purpose of redevelopment or development projects;
      8.   Expend such public funds as may be necessary for the planning, execution and implementation of redevelopment or development projects;
      9.   Install, repair, construct, reconstruct or relocate streets, utilities and site improvements essential to the redevelopment or development district for use in accordance with a redevelopment or development project.
   B.   The powers specifically listed in this chapter are in addition and supplemental to, and the limitations imposed by this chapter shall not affect, the powers conferred, authorized or granted by any law, ordinance or constitution of the state. Projects may be acquired, purchased, constructed, reconstructed, improved, bettered, equipped, extended and financed, and bonds may be issued under this chapter for such purposes, notwithstanding that any law or any other ordinance may provide for the acquisition, purchase, construction, reconstruction, improvement, equipping, betterment, extension, and financing of a like project, or the issuance of bonds for like purposes and without regard to the requirements, restrictions, limitations or other provisions contained in any law or any other ordinance. (Ord. 2013-20)