The subdivider shall provide the subdivision with a means of sanitary sewage disposal. This may be done in one of the following ways:
   A.   Public Collection System: In all cases where such facility is within one thousand feet (1,000') of the public collection system, the subdivider shall construct a sanitary sewer system which shall connect to the sewerage system of the city and provide a connection to each lot.
   B.   Local Collection And Treatment Facilities: Where it is not practical to connect the subdivision sanitary system to a public sewer, the subdivider may construct a local collection and treatment system consisting of the necessary house laterals, local sewers, and trunk sewers required to conduct the sanitary sewage from subdivision to specially constructed treatment facility.
   C.   Private Disposal System: The intention of this chapter is to discourage the installation of private individual sewage disposal facilities which will, if permitted, work to the disadvantage of an orderly expansion of a public sanitary sewer system. If it can be demonstrated that individual sewage disposal facilities are in the public interest, they may be permitted. However, the system shall be so designed that it shall be eventually incorporated into the comprehensive sewage system.
   D.   Sewer Mains: The developer shall install sewer mains of sufficient size to serve his development. If, in the opinion of the city engineer, additional size is required to serve potential or existing developments beyond that proposed, the city shall pay for such additional costs. Sewer mains shall be located within dedicated street right of way whenever possible. If it is agreed to by the city that it is not feasible to locate said mains within a street right of way, the developer shall dedicate to the city a minimum of a twenty foot (20') wide permanent easement (10 feet on each side of the main) for the repair and maintenance. All plans and specifications for the sanitary sewer system shall be prepared for the developer by a registered engineer and shall be approved by the state environmental protection agency, Jackson County health department, Carbondale city engineer, and planning commission where applicable before final plat approval.
   E.   As Built Drawing: The developer's engineer shall provide an as built drawing of the sewage system including the location, size, and depth of both mains and laterals to each property within the subdivision. (Ord. 2013-20)