(1)   Authorization: This section is authorized by sections 31-714 and 31-828 of the Idaho Code.
   (2)   Fire Alarm Defined: For the purpose of this section, a fire alarm shall mean the giving, signaling or transmission to any public fire station or company or to any officer or employee thereof, whether by telephone, spoken word or otherwise, information to the effect that there is a fire at or near the place indicated by the person giving, signaling or transmitting such information.
   (3)   Unlawful Acts: It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to:
      A.    Give, signal or transmit in any manner any false fire alarm;
      B.    Cause or permit to be given, signaled or transmitted in any manner any false fire alarm; or
      C.    Tamper with or maliciously injure any fire alarm equipment maintained for the purpose of transmitting fire alarms to the fire department.
   (4)   Penalty: Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall be punished as provided in Section 01-01-07: of this Code. (Ord. 80-005, 9-3-80, eff. 9-12-80; 1996 Code)