There is hereby adopted for the purposes of complying with Idaho Code section 67-6526(a) the Ordinance codified in this Article, which provides for the application of the latest edition of the Canyon County Comprehensive Plan as duly enacted and adopted and amended by the County Commissioners, and Chapter 7 of this Code, to the area of impact of the City of Greenleaf within the unincorporated area of the County, until a new comprehensive plan and/or zoning ordinance has been duly adopted in accordance with the provisions of a joint exercise of power agreement impact area City of Greenleaf/County of Canyon. Until the joint exercise of power agreement is adopted and operational, the County shall direct copies of all applications coming before it, pursuant to the Local Planning Act of 1975 and Chapter 7 of this Code concerning property located in the area of City impact of Greenleaf, for the City of Greenleaf's input on the application and shall give such input due consideration; and after the adoption of the joint exercise of power agreement and the same becomes operational, then the provisions of that agreement shall govern this process. (Ord. 94-013, 12-23-94)