(1)   If the commission finds that the applicant has carried the burden of persuasion that the proposed expanding or new CAFO complies with the criteria set forth in this article, the commission shall grant the CAFO siting permit requested. The CAFO siting permit shall be in the form of findings of fact, conclusions of law and order. If the commission does not find that the applicant has shown that the proposed expanding or new CAFO meets the criteria set forth herein, the commission shall deny the CAFO siting permit in writing setting forth reasons for the denial and the relevant law relied upon and action that may be taken by the applicant to attempt to obtain a conditional use permit. In making such decision, the commission may use information and consider recommendations received from the state of Idaho CAFO advisory team or any other similar group.
   (2)   Construction of the new or expanding CAFO must commence within three (3) years of the issuance of the CAFO siting permit and be completed within five (5) years of the same date. If construction has not commenced within three (3) years and/or completed within five (5) years from the date the CAFO siting permit was approved, the permit holder may request an extension. Application for extension must be filed at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the three (3) year or five (5) year period. A renewal extension, if granted, may be limited to three hundred sixty five (365) calendar days, which shall commence at the expiration of either period. The applicant bears the burden of persuasion on an extension request. (Ord. 07-002, 1-18-2007)