(1) Appeal To Board: An affected person aggrieved by a final administrative decision or action of the director that was made pursuant to the provisions of this chapter may appeal to the board.
(2) Appeal Procedures:
A. Appeals shall be filed with DSD within fifteen (15) calendar days after the date of the decision. A notice of appeal should include a statement of the reasons for the appeal and must be accompanied with all appropriate fees as established by the adopted fee schedule. (Ord. 10-006, 8-16-2010)
B. At the public hearing held in accordance with this article, the board shall consider the decision of the director and any additional evidence that may be offered by the public, applicant or director.
C. The board may affirm, reverse or modify, in whole or in part, the director's decision. (Ord. 12-006, 3-22-2012)
The procedure for mediation shall be in accordance with the provisions of Idaho Code section 67-6510. Nothing in this chapter shall affect the rights of any party regarding mediation of land disputes. The county shall not be liable for nor pay the fees or expenses of any mediation requested by any applicant or affected property owner. (Ord. 10-006, 8-16-2010)