(A) Authority: This chapter may be amended from time to time by ordinance in accordance with applicable Illinois statutes. No vote shall be taken upon the adoption of a proposed amendment by the city council until after a public hearing before the joint planning and zoning commission and a report of its findings and recommendations has been submitted to the city council.
(B) Initiation Of Amendment: Amendments may be proposed by the city council, joint planning and zoning commission or by the petition of any person, firm or corporation having a freehold interest, a possessory interest entitled to exclusive possession, a contractual interest which may become a freehold interest or any exclusive possessory interest which is specifically enforceable on the land which is described in the proposal for an amendment.
(C) Processing:
1. A proposal or petition for an amendment shall be filed with the city clerk and thereafter entered into the records of the first meeting thereafter of the city council.
2. A copy of such proposal or petition shall be forwarded by the city clerk to the joint planning and zoning commission with a request to hold a public hearing and submit to the city council a report of its findings and recommendations. Such public hearings shall be held upon notice by the joint planning and zoning commission.
(D) Decisions: The city council, upon request of the joint planning and zoning commission, and without further public hearing, may vote upon the adoption of any proposed amendment in accordance with applicable Illinois statutes, or may refer it back to the joint planning and zoning commission for further consideration. In case of a written protest against any proposed amendment of the regulations or districts, signed and acknowledged by the owners of twenty percent (20%) of the frontage immediately adjoining or across an alley therefrom, or by the owners of twenty percent (20%) of the frontage directly opposite the frontage proposed to be altered, is filed with the clerk of the municipality, the amendment shall not be passed except by a favorable vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the aldermen or trustees of the municipality then holding office.
(E) Zoning Map: No change shall be made in this zoning ordinance nor shall any zoning variation be granted within six (6) months after the date upon which the official zoning map is adopted by the city council, unless such change in the zoning ordinance or such variation is approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the corporate authorities. (Ord. 3041, 12-3-2013)