Accessory uses customarily incidental to any of the permitted uses.
Any of the following uses conducted wholly within a completely enclosed building, or within a designated area enclosed on all sides with a seven foot (7') obscuring wall or fence:
Building material sales.
Dwellings for caretakers or watchmen accessory to any of the uses in this section.
Laboratories; experimental, film, or testing.
Manufacture and repair of electric or neon signs, light sheet metal products, including heating and ventilation equipment, cornices, eaves, and the like.
Manufacture of musical instruments, toys, novelties, and metal or rubber stamps, or other small molded rubber products.
Manufacture or assembly of electrical appliances, electronic instruments and devices, radios and phonographs (excluding large stampings).
Offices of veterinarians.
Publicly owned buildings, public utility buildings, telephone exchanges, transformer stations, and substations with service yards, but without storage yards, water and sewage pumping stations, when operation requirements necessitate the locating of said facilities within the district in order to serve the immediate vicinity.
The compounding, processing, packaging or treatment of such products as: bakery goods, candy, cosmetics, food products, flour, grain, pharmaceuticals, toiletries, hardware, and cutlery; tool, die, gauge and machine shops.
The manufacture, compounding, assembling, or improvement of articles or merchandise from the following previously prepared materials: canvas, cellophane, cloth, cork, feathers, felt, fibre, fur, glass, hair, leather, paper, plastics, precious or semiprecious metals or stones, shell, textiles, tobacco, wax, wire, wood and yarns.
The manufacture of pottery and figurines or other similar ceramic products using only previously pulverized clay, and kilns fired only by electricity or gas.
Warehouses, storage and transfer, and electric and gas service buildings and yards, railroad transfer and storage tracks. Heating and electric power generating plants, and all necessary uses. Water and gas tanks and holders. Passenger and/or freight terminals; railroad rights of way.
Warehousing and wholesale establishments, and storage (other than accessory to a permitted retail use).
Yards, docks and transfer facilities for motor freight.
Any retail or commercial use allowed in the B-2 general commercial district.
Off street parking and loading space as required in chapter 14 of this title.
Uses of a light manufacturing nature, employing electricity or other unobjectionable motive power, utilizing hand labor or unobjectionable machinery or processes, and free from any objectionable odors, fumes, dirt, vibration or noise. Such uses shall not be established without an application for a permit which shall be accompanied by evidence indicating that every reasonable provision will be taken to eliminate or minimize gas fumes, odors, dirt, vibration or noise. Such application for permit shall be approved by the zoning administrator. In the event of the denial of such permit, an applicant shall have a right of appeal to the joint planning and zoning commission, in accordance with the procedure hereinafter set forth in chapter 17 of this title. (Ord. 567, 11-1976; amd. Ord. 3041, 12-3-2013)