A childcare center, nursery school or day nursery with no limit on the number of children; provided, that the provisions of state law and chapter 15 of this title are complied with.
Automobile service stations; providing, that such use is located at least five hundred feet (500') from an entrance or exit to property on which is located a public school, playground, play field, or park; that the minimum frontage on any street shall be one hundred twenty five feet (125'), and that no storage outside the building shall be permitted. The lot area minimum shall be fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet.
Bed and breakfast.
Bus stations only if located on a major thoroughfare.
Commercial planned unit development, subject to the provisions of chapter 13 of this title.
Multi-family dwellings, subject to the provisions of chapter 7 of this title.
Signs when located on the same lot pertaining to the use of that particular building or buildings; provided, that they will not overhang any public right of way, shall not be illuminated, and shall not exceed twelve (12) square feet in area. (Ord. 567, 11-1976; amd. Ord. 1493, 12-19-1995; Ord. 1714, 12-4-2001)