Accessory structures, uses, and signs customarily incidental to the permitted uses herein, provided that signs are in accord with chapter 15 of this title.
Barbershops and beauty parlors.
Bicycle rental and repair shops.
Clinics, medical and dental.
Clubs and lodges, not for profit.
Dressmaking, millinery, and tailoring, clothes pressing and repair.
Eating and drinking places in which there is not dancing, a floor show, or other live entertainment involving more than one person.
Greenhouses, retail food stores, including bakeries, provided that processing of food shall be for retail sale on the premises only.
Laundry agency or dry cleaning agency, hand laundry, and laundry operated by customers, such as launderettes, laundromat, and the like.
Offices, business, professional or governmental.
Publicly owned buildings and public utility buildings, including, but not limited to, telephone exchanges, transformer stations and substations, and gas regulator stations with service yards but not including storage yards.
Repairs: electrical or other household appliances, locks, radios, televisions, and the like; shoes, timepieces.
Shops or stores for the sale of art supplies, beverage, including package liquor outlets, confections, delicatessens, drugs, dry goods, flowers, foodstuffs, gifts, hardware, household appliances, jewelry, leather goods, music, notions, paint, periodicals, radio, television and the like.
Other uses similar to the above and subject to the following:
   (A)   All business establishments shall be retail or service establishments, dealing directly with consumers. All goods produced on the premises shall be sold at retail exclusively on premises where produced.
   (B)   All business, servicing or processing, except for off street parking or loading, shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. (Ord. 567, 11-1976)