No vehicle authorized under this title and chapter, shall be operated on any street or alley in the city of Canton unless the owner(s) thereof shall have first registered such vehicle with the city of Canton in accordance with the following requirements:
   (A)   Registration of such vehicles shall be administered by the chief of police of the city of Canton, or his designee. An application for registration may be made on a form prescribed by the city of Canton. Said form shall include a statement under oath or penalties of perjury that the vehicle proposed to be registered meets the definition of the vehicles defined by the state statute or in section 9-12-1 of this chapter and shall be accompanied by an annual registration fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) and proof of liability insurance for said vehicle having at least the same limits of coverage as required from time to time for motor vehicles under the mandatory insurance law of the state of Illinois.
   (B)   Vehicles registered under this chapter and section shall be issued a sticker from the city of Canton which shall be affixed to the rear of the vehicle and shall be viewable to a police officer from outside of said vehicle.
   (C)   The registration of said vehicle shall be effective for a period of one calendar year and shall be renewed annually on January 1 of each year in the same manner as the original registration.
   (D)   The registration of said vehicles shall not be transferrable in the event of a change of ownership. A new registration fee will be required of the new owner(s). No refund of the original registration fee is allowed in the event of the change of ownership.
   (E)   The registration of said vehicles shall be subject to revocation by the chief of police of the city of Canton in the event of a violation of the requirements of section 11-1426.1 of the Illinois vehicle code, 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/11-1426.1, or any of the provisions of this chapter. A revocation of such registration shall be made in writing and shall set forth the provision(s) of the state statute or this chapter that has been violated. No refund of the registration fee is allowed in the event of the revocation of said permit.
   (F)   In the event that the registration of a vehicle is revoked due to a failure to maintain the required liability insurance or the failure of the condition of the vehicle in compliance with the state statute or this chapter, including, but not limited to, maintaining the required safety systems. The chief of police of the city, or his/her designee, in his/her discretion, may reinstate the registration upon documentation of reinstatement of the required insurance coverage or of the repair or modification of the vehicle to cure any deficiencies, as applicable, if the chief of police of the city of Canton determines that the violation was not intentional and is not likely to recur. (Ord. 4029, 5-3-2016)