(A)   Qualifications: No person shall be appointed to the fire department who is under twenty one (21) years of age or over thirty five (35) years of age, nor unless he or she is a person of good moral character and temperate, steady habits.
   (B)   Members Shall Wear Badges: Each member of the fire department, when on duty, shall wear an appropriate badge to be furnished by the city and if it shall be destroyed or lost, he/she shall be responsible for the expense of replacing the same. Whenever any member of said department shall cease to be connected therewith, he or she shall immediately deliver his or her badge and any other effects in his or her possession belonging to the city, into the hands of the chief of the fire department.
   (C)   Employed Firefighters, Duties: The several employed firefighters shall be on duty at all such hours of day and night as shall be prescribed by the rules and regulations of said department, except when otherwise ordered by the chief of the fire department. And in addition to their general duties, they shall keep their engines, ladders, and other fire apparatus in first class condition for actual service, and not expose them to unnecessary hazard, and to work and use them with skill and judgment.
   (D)   Assistant Fire Chief To Command When: It shall be the duty of an assistant chief of the fire department, if he or she be on duty, to attend all fires happening in the city, and in the absence of the chief of the fire department it shall be his/her duty to take charge of the work of the department and he or she shall have and exercise the duties and powers of the chief of the fire department. In the absence of the chief and the assistant chief, the lieutenant for that shift shall assume command.
   (E)   Prescribed Uniform To Be Worn, Badges: The council shall prescribe a suitable uniform for members of the fire department, to be worn by them as directed by the council, and all members of the fire department shall be required to provide themselves with such uniform as may be prescribed for which such amount as from time to time shall be established and paid by the city. The council shall also prescribe and provide for all officers and members of the fire department suitable badges by which, in case of fire and at other times, the authority and relations of such officers and firefighters may be known.
   (F)   Rules, Copies To Members: Each member of the fire department shall be furnished by the chief of the fire department with a copy of the rules and regulations adopted and prescribed for the government of the department and the members thereof. (Ord. 1653, 4-18-2000)