Any person desiring to produce, present, conduct or offer for gain or profit, any of the entertainments, exhibitions or performances mentioned or included in any of the nine (9) classes specified in this chapter, shall make application to the mayor in writing, setting out the full name of the applicant, a description of the kind and class of entertainment he intends to offer, and the place at which it is desired to produce, present, conduct or offer such entertainment, exhibition or performance. Upon the payment by such applicant to the clerk of the license fee hereinafter specified for the particular class of entertainment such applicant desires a license for the production or presentation of, the clerk shall issue to such applicant a license authorizing him to conduct, produce, present or offer the class of entertainment specified in such license, at the place described in such application, and for the period of time specified in such license; provided, however, that if the place at which it is desired to offer such entertainment be not a fit or proper place, and not conducted and maintained in accordance with the provisions of this code governing or controlling such places, or if the entertainment desired to be produced or offered be of an immoral, indecent or dangerous character, or if the person making application for a license be not of good character, the mayor may refuse to approve such application, and no license shall be issued by the clerk except upon the approval of the application therefor by the mayor. (R.O. 1959, Ch. 7, Art. 1, Sec. 3)