It shall be the duty of every licensee to have available for delivery to the chief of police, or officer designated by the chief, every business day and before the hour of twelve o'clock (12:00) noon, a legible and correct copy from the register of all personal property, or other valuable things, received or deposited or purchased the preceding day in whatever quantity received, including property purchased as secondhand merchandise at wholesale, secondhand merchandise taken in for sale or possessed on consignment for sale, and secondhand merchandise taken in for trade.
No person shall be required to furnish such description of any new property purchased from manufacturers or wholesale dealers having an established place of business, or of any goods purchased at open sale, or from a bankrupt stock. Such goods must be accompanied by a bill of sale or other evidence of open and legitimate purchase and must be shown to the chief of police and members of the police department, when demanded. (Ord. 1114, 8-19-1986)