(a) All buildings, structures and uses shall provide off-street parking and/or off-street loading facilities on the same lot, in accordance with the provisions specified in this Zoning Ordinance, and all applicants for a zoning certificate, application for development plan approval (R-5, three to four family or multiple family residential development; R-PUD planned unit developments) or conditional use permit shall include with their application a plot plan drawn to scale showing the location and arrangement of any off-street parking and/or loading and required planting trees as required by this Ordinance. In addition, the plot plan shall show:
(1) North arrow;
(2) Scale;
(3) Location, dimensions and labeling of all existing driveways, buildings, paved areas, fences, roof overhangs, streets and alleys and sidewalks;
(4) Location and labeling of all fire hydrants, trees and other objects on public property along the site boundaries;
(5) Necessary profile and elevations to insure that grades and drainage are adequately handled;
(6) Location of all required planting areas and the type and location of plant materials that will be used in the landscaping of the parking lot, in accordance with the provisions specified in Section 1161.04(d).
(Ord. 1993-14. Passed 2-16-93.)
(b) At least one required parking space for each residential use must be within a garage structure with a minimum of three sides enclosed and which complements the architectural style of the residential structure it services.
(c) Except for dwellings, no off-street parking area provided hereunder shall be less than 1,050 square feet in area. Parking spaces located within a garage structure, or on a driveway, exclusive of sidewalk, driving lanes and driveway apron, may be computed as off-street parking spaces.
(d) All required off-street parking and loading areas shall be solely for the parking and loading and unloading of operable motor vehicles, of patrons, occupants or employees of such uses and are not to be used to store inoperative vehicles or for motor vehicle repair work or service of any kind, except for emergency repairs.
(e) Each required off-street parking or loading space shall open directly upon an aisle or driveway of such width and design as to provide safe and efficient means of vehicular access to such space. Such aisle or driveway shall not be used for the parking of other vehicles, except that the driveway of a single family residence may be counted as one parking space.
(Ord. 1973-44. Passed 12-18-73.)
(f) All required parking spaces, loading spaces and facilities shall be located off-street on the same lot as the building or use being served, and may occupy all or any part of any required side or rear yard area except that no loading area shall be located closer than fifty feet to any lot in any R District, unless wholly enclosed within a building.
(Ord. 1993-14. Passed 2-16-93.)
(g) All open off-street parking areas shall be separated from public rights of way by a space at least five feet in width, and a six inch high curb shall be provided on the parking lot side of the five foot width. All open off-street parking areas shall be separated from the principal building by a six inch high curb so as to maintain unobstructed a three foot corridor between the building and the parked vehicle.
(h) An unobstructed cone of vision shall be provided at exits from parking lots and/or garages so that pedestrians and other vehicular traffic can be properly seen. This cone shall be determined by a point eight feet behind any sidewalk or walk area or a point twenty feet from the edge of the through roadway, whichever provides the larger field of vision. Any landscaping, fencing or walls located closer than eight feet from the nearest sidewalk line or twenty feet from the nearest roadway edge shall not exceed twenty-four inches in height along any side having a driveway exit to a street. (Ord. 1995-28. Passed 5-17-95.)
(i) The parking of a recreational vehicle, boat trailer and/or travel trailer or utility trailer in a residential area is prohibited except when:
(1) Such vehicle is intended for pleasure purposes only, and is not part of a business; and
(2) Such vehicle is uninhabited; and
(3) Such vehicle is parked in the rear or side yards; and
(4) Such vehicle is at least five feet from any adjoining property line.
However, nothing contained herein shall prohibit the parking of a recreational vehicle in violation of subsection (i)(1) to (4) hereof for a period of time not to exceed four (4) days for cleaning, loading, unloading, minor maintenance, or preparation of the recreational vehicle for recreational use or storage.
(Ord. 2021-56. Passed 11-17-21.)
(j) A property owner who has failed to comply with subsection (i) herein shall receive a notice of violation in compliance with Section 1125.04(e). The notice shall state the nature of the violation and identify the measures necessary to correct the violation. The notice shall also state that there will be no further warnings for subsequent violations, and that subsequent violations shall cause a citation to be issued and penalties to be levied in accordance with Section 1133.99. The Zoning Inspector shall not be required to comply with the notice provisions of Section 1125.04(e) for violations subsequent to the notification of a violation of subsection (i) hereof as provided for herein. (Ord. 1995-28. Passed 5-17-95.)
(k) Loading facilities shall be designed so that trucks do not back in or out of major streets or use any street for parking.
(l) Truck facilities shall include off-street parking areas for trailers awaiting pick-up or arriving after hours.
(Ord. 1973-44. Passed 12-18-73; Ord. 1995-28. Passed 5-17-95.)
(m) (1) In all zoning districts within the Municipality, no resident or property owner shall park, or allow to be parked, any vehicle upon front yard areas as defined in Section 1123.01(121). Except that parking or standing of a vehicle is permitted on a portion of a front yard that is a driveway, graded and provided with a hard surface of granulated material, asphalt, portland cement concrete, brick or decorative stone. Nothing contained herein shall alleviate other parking or standing restrictions contained in these Codified Ordinances with regard to recreational vehicles, boat trailers and/or boats, travel trailers and utility trailers.
(Ord. 2022-10. Passed 3-2-22.)
(2) A property owner who has failed to comply with subsection (m)(1) hereof shall receive a notice of violation in accordance with Section 1125.04(e). The notice shall state the nature of the violation, and identify the measures necessary to correct the violation. The notice shall also state that there will be no further warnings for subsequent violations, and that penalties will be imposed for subsequent violations. Any violation subsequent to receipt of such notice shall cause a citation to be issued and penalties to be levied in accordance with Section 1133.99. The Zoning Inspector shall not be required to comply with notice provisions of Section 1125.04(e) for violations subsequent to notification after violation of subsection (m)(1) hereof.
(Ord. 1993-55. Passed 11-3-93; Ord. 1995-28. Passed 5-17-95.)
Off-street parking spaces shall be provided in all non-R zoning districts in accordance with the schedule outlined below. Requirements for any use not specified in this Ordinance shall be the same as for a similar permitted use in the particular zoning district, as determined by the Zoning Inspector.
Minimum No. of Spaces Required
(a) Dwelling & Lodging Uses:
(1) One, two, three, four and
multiple-family dwellings unit
2.0 parking spaces per dwelling
(2) Housing for the elderly
1.0 parking space per dwelling unit
(3) Motels, hotels, bed and breakfast
1.2 parking space for each sleeping room plus parking spaces as required for restaurants, assembly room and related facilities
(b) Business & Commercial:
(1) Agricultural implement sales and
1.0 parking space for every 1,000
sq. ft. of enclosed floor area and 1.0
for every 3,000 sq. ft. open lot area
(2) Air conditioning/heating/plumbing/
roofing services
1.0 parking spaces for every business
vehicle and 1.0 parking spaces for
every 300 sq. ft. of floor area
(3) Bakery shops, furniture and
appliance stores, groceries and
supermarkets, hardware stores,
ice cream stores, indoor retail
businesses, pet shops, animal
hospitals, veterinary clinics, kennels,
repair shops, skating rinks, variety
1.0 parking space for every 200 sq. ft.
of floor area for establishments having
less than 2,000 sq. ft. of floor area and
1.5 parking spaces for every 200 sq. ft.
of floor area for establishments having
more than 2,000 sq. ft. of floor area
(4) Banks and savings and loan
associations and financial
1.0 parking space for every 200 sq. ft.
of floor area plus 1.0 parking space for
every employee
(5) Equipment rental
1.0 parking space for every 1,000 sq. ft.
of floor area
(6) Funeral home or mortuary
Not less than 25 spaces with 1.0 parking
space per every 50 sq. ft. of public floor
area plus 1.0 parking spaces for every
two (2) employees and 1.0 business
vehicle parking
(7) Home occupation
1.0 additional parking space
(8) Laundromat
1.0 space for each two washing or
cleaning machines
(9) Restaurants:
A. Carry-out restaurants
1.0 parking space for every 90 sq. ft.
of floor area with a minimum of 15
B. Drive-in restaurants
1.0 parking space for every 30 sq. ft.
of floor area with a minimum of 15
C. Sit-down restaurants
1.0 parking space for every 50 sq. ft. of
floor area plus 1.0 parking space for each
(10) Automobile service stations,
repair garages, automobile,
1.0 parking space for each employee
plus 2 parking spaces for each
service stall with a minimum of 6.0
parking spaces
(11) Personal Services
1.0 parking space for every 50 sq. ft. of
floor area plus 1.0 parking space for each
(12) Automobile Dealers
1.0 parking space for every 200 sq. ft. of
floor area for establishments having less
than 2,000 sq. ft. of floor area and 1.5
parking spaces for every 200 sq. ft. of
floor area for establishments having more
than 2,000 sq. ft. of floor area.
(13) Garden, landscape yard
centers, and retail greenhouses
1.0 space for every 30 sq. ft. but not
less than 20 spaces.
(14) Building and related Trades
1.0 parking space for every 200 sq. ft. of
retail space plus 1.0 parking space for
each employee.
(c) Office:
(1) Administrative business or business
1.0 parking space for every 250 sq. ft.
of office space but not less than 2.0
parking spaces for every office
(d) Medical & Health:
(1) Nursing homes, shelter care homes,
rest homes, convalescent homes
1.0 parking space for every 4 beds
(2) Hospitals
1 space for each two beds plus 1 space
for each two employees and staff on
the combined major work shifts
(3) Dental clinics and offices
2 spaces for each examination or
treatment room, plus 1 space for each
dentist and other employee
(4) Medical clinics and offices
3 spaces for each examination or
treatment room, plus 1 space for each
doctor and other employee
(e) Education:
(1) Elementary and junior high schools
1.0 parking space for every 25 class
(public or private) room seats, or
1.0 parking space for every 3.5 seats in
the main auditorium, whichever is greater.
(2) High schools (public or private)
1.0 parking space for every 5 students
based upon maximum design capacity of
the building, or 1.0 parking space for
every 5 seats in the main auditorium,
whichever is greater
(3) Kindergartens
3 parking spaces for every 10 children
(4) Nursery schools and day care
2 parking spaces for every 10 children
(5) Commercial Schools
1 parking space for every student based
on maximum design capacity plus 1.0
parking space for each employee
(f) Recycling, Civic and Religious:
(1) Bowling alleys
4.0 parking spaces for each bowling
alley plus such additional space as may
be required for affiliated uses
(2) Private club or lodge or assembly
halls without fixed seats; veterans,
business, civic and fraternal
1.0 parking space for every 50 sq. ft.
of floor area in the auditorium,
assembly or meeting room plus 1.0 parking
space for every 200 sq. ft. for other
floor area
(3) Auditoriums, assembly halls,
sports arenas with fixed seats
1.0 parking space for every 3.5 seats
(4) Libraries, museums, art galleries
1 space for each 300 sq. ft. of floor
(5) Places of public assembly including
churches, synagogues, gymnasiums
1.0 parking space for every 5 seats
(6) Recreation and amusement facilities,
community or private recreation
clubs or swimming facilities
1.0 parking space for every 5 customers
(maximum capacity) and 1.0 parking
space for every 2 employees
(7) Theaters
1.0 parking spaces for every 3.5 seats
(g) Industrial and Warehousing:
(1) Industrial and manufacturing plants
and wholesale establishments
1.0 parking space for every 300 sq. ft.
of floor area
(2) Warehouse and distribution
1.0 parking space per every 10,000
sq. ft. of floor area; plus 1.0 parking
space per every 2 employees on the
combined work shifts
(Ord. 1973-44. Passed 12-18-73.)
In connection with every building or part thereof hereafter erected, except dwellings, there shall be provided, on the same lot with such buildings, off-street loading spaces or berths, for uses which customarily receive or distribute material or merchandise by vehicle. Requirements for any use not specified in this Zoning Ordinance shall be the same as for a similar permitted use in the particular zoning district, as determined by the Zoning Inspector.
If the commercial or industrial establishments are such that shipping and/or receiving goods are not an integral part of the business, the requirements listed below may be varied or waived by the Zoning Inspector.
No. of Spaces Required
(a) Business and Commercial
1.0 loading space for first 10,00 sq. ft.
of floor area; and 1.0 loading space
for each additional 20,000 sq. ft. of
floor area
(b) Office:
1.0 loading space for the first 2,500-75,000
sq. ft. of floor area and 1.0 loading space
for each additional 25,000 sq. ft. of floor
(c) Medical and Health (hospitals,
clinics, nursing homes):
Same as Office
(d) Manufacturing, Industrial and
(1) Warehousing uses:
(2) Industrial plant
1.0 loading space per every 10,000 sq.
ft. of floor area
(3) Warehouse and wholesale
1.0 loading space per every 7,500 sq. ft.
of floor area
(Ord. 1973-44. Passed 12-18-73.)
(a) Dimension. Each parking stall shall be a minimum size of ten feet by twenty feet exclusive of aisles, drives and obstructions. Aisles shall be twenty-four feet minimum for two-way traffic with parking on both sides and twenty feet minimum for one-way traffic with parking on one or both sides. However, where the principal structure on the lot served by the aisle way is a residential structure, aisles of twelve foot minimum for two way traffic with parking on both sides and ten foot minimum for one way traffic with parking on one or both sides shall be allowed. Head-in parking should allow three feet of car overhanging adjacent to a building or curb. Rear overhang normally amounts to four and one-half feet.
(1) In all cases, a minimum clear distance of three feet shall be provided when parking is adjacent to a building.
(2) Each off-street loading space for over the road tractor trailers shall include a twelve foot wide stall, sixty foot stall depth, sixty foot maneuvering apron and a fifteen foot vertical clearance. For City delivery trucks, a twelve foot stall width, thirty foot depth, thirty foot apron and a twelve foot vertical clearance shall be provided.
(3) Driveways having relatively high volumes of large trucks shall be provided with radii of twenty-five feet plus widths of thirty to forty feet so that entry and exit can be made without encroachment beyond the curb lane of the abutting street.
(b) Surfacing. All open parking and loading spaces, except a required parking space accessory to a single-family dwelling, shall be graded and provided with a hard surface of bituminous asphalt or Portland cement concrete. All paved areas shall be separated from all unpaved areas by six inch high curbing.
(c) Drainage. All open, off-street parking and loading areas shall be provided with adequate drainage facilities as approved by the Municipal Engineer, in order to ensure that storm water does not flow onto abutting property or abutting sidewalks in such a way or quantity that adjoining owners or users of the sidewalk would be detrimentally affected or inconvenienced.
(d) Screening and Landscaping.
(1) When any open off-street parking or loading area used for any nonresidential purpose containing more than two spaces is not separated from a residential district by a dedicated street, an effective buffer or screen, consisting of a solid wall, fence, landscaped earth mound or view- obscuring dense planting of evergreen shrubs, hedge tree-line, mass tree planting or various combinations thereof, shall be provided at the lot lines adjoining such residential district to protect the privacy of the adjoining residential uses. Such wall, fence or earth mound, shall be not less than four feet or more than six feet in height, or may be higher if necessary to provide visual privacy for the adjacent residential property owner, and shall be maintained in good condition by the owner. Exception to this height requirement occurs at the immediate exit point from the parking or loading area as shown in Section 1161.01(g).
(2) Where the principal structure served by a parking area is a residential structure, parking shall be prohibited in the front yard area. In other instances where required parking areas are developed in the front yard or along street frontage, a fifteen foot planting area shall be provided between the property line and the parking area. Such planting area shall be planted with grass or evergreen ground cover and shall be landscaped with flowers, trees and/or shrubs and be maintained in good condition by the owner. Plantings which are diseased or dead shall be removed and replaced with healthy specimens.
(3) All off-street parking or loading areas which provide parking spaces for fifteen vehicles or more shall have planting areas incorporated into their design. A minimum area equal to five percent of the total paved parking lot area shall be provided, with no individual planting area consisting of less than 200 square feet, or having a minimum dimension less than ten feet. Such areas shall be located so as to break up the visual appearance of the parking lot, and shall be shown on the plans which are submitted by the applicant for a zoning certificate, application for development plan approval or conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions specified in this Zoning Ordinance. All such planting areas shall be separated from paved areas by means of a six inch high curb.
(4) All open off-street parking or loading areas which are unusable, either for parking or for traffic, shall be landscaped with plantings of grass, flowers, shrubs and/or trees, which shall be maintained in good condition by the owner. Plantings which are diseased or dead shall be removed and replaced with healthy specimens. All tree lawns shall be landscaped and/or planted with grass, and maintained in good condition by the owner, in such a way as to clearly distinguish their separation from adjacent public streets or private drives.
(Ord. 2007-11. Passed 4-18-07.)
(a) Parking of a mobile storage unit in any residential district outside of an enclosed garage or other accessory building longer than seventy-two hours shall be prohibited. The parking of a mobile storage unit for less than seventy-two hours outside of an enclosed garage or another accessory building shall be permitted only after the Zoning Inspector has been notified of such intention.
(b) A property owner who failed to comply with subsection (a) hereof shall receive a notice of violation in compliance with Section 1125.04(e). The notice shall state the nature of the violation and identify the measures necessary to correct the violation. The notice shall also state that there shall be no further warnings for subsequent violations and that any subsequent violations shall cause a citation to be issued and penalties levied in accordance with Section 1133.99. The Zoning Inspector shall not be required to comply with the notice provisions of Section 1125.04 for violations subsequent to the initial notification of a violation of subsection (a) hereof.
(c) For purposes of this section, “mobile storage unit” shall mean any device or item on wheels, skids, rollers or blocks, or which is otherwise designed to be mobile and used to store, deposit or accumulate personal property. Notwithstanding the above, “mobile storage unit” shall not include portable trash or construction debris receptacles temporarily placed on a property during construction, remodeling or reconstruction on the property.
(Ord. 2008-16. Passed 7-9-08.)