16.89.050   Type III Decision.
   A.   Pre-application conference. A pre-application conference may be required by the Planning Director for Type III applications.
   B.   Neighborhood meetings. As directed in Table 16.89.020, the applicant may be required to present their development proposal at a neighborhood meeting before the City accepts the application as complete. See Section 16.89.070.
   C.   Application requirements. Type III applications shall be made on forms provided by the Planning Director. The application shall be accompanied by all required information and fees.
   D.   Public notice.
      1.   At least 20 days prior to a public hearing on a Type III decision or a Type II appeal decision, the Planning Director shall mail notice meeting the requirements of state law to:
         a.   All owners of real property and, if the owner’s address is different from the site address, all residents of property, within the distance prescribed in Table 16.89.020;
         b.   The appointed chair of any neighborhood association whose boundaries include the subject property;
         c.   Any person who submits a written request to receive notice; and
         d.   Any governmental agency which is entitled to notice under an intergovernmental agreement entered into with the City.
         e.   For appeals, the appellant and all persons who provided testimony.
      2.   Notice of any proposal that includes a new transportation facility or improvement, and where these facilities or improvements included or may impact a collector or arterial street, will be sent to the ODOT and Clackamas County or any special interest transportation groups as appropriate. Special interest transportation groups could include trucking organizations, bicycle and pedestrian interest groups, and interest groups for people with disabilities. Information that should be conveyed with the notice includes the following:
         a.   Project location
         b.   Proposed land use action
         c.   Location of project access point(s)
      3.   The City shall prepare an affidavit of mailing for the public notice and make the affidavit part of the application file. Failure of any individual to receive notice as prescribed in this section does not invalidate the proceedings.
      4.   Written notice shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in Canby once in either of the two consecutive weeks prior to the hearing.
      5.   At least ten (10) days before the hearing, written notice shall be posted at City Hall and such other conspicuous locations as the Council may determine to be appropriate.
      6.   At least ten (10) days before the hearing, the applicant shall post notice of the hearing on the property as directed by the Planning Director.
      7.   The Planning Director may expand the notice area or take other steps to assure that affected property owners or residents are made aware of the pending public hearing.
      8.   Any application that involves access to the state highway system must be provided to the Oregon Department of Transportation for their review and comment regarding conformance with state access management standards and requirements.
   E.   Conduct of public hearing.
      1.   In all evidentiary hearings required by this title the following procedures shall be followed:
         a.   All interested persons in attendance shall be heard on the matter of hearing, and this fact shall be communicated to those in attendance;
         b.   A summary of the application or other matter for hearing shall be given by the presiding officer or their designee;
         c.   The staff report shall be made followed by questions, if any, of the staff by the hearings body;
         d.   The public hearing shall be opened and testimony shall be received in the following order:
            i.   Applicant;
            ii.   Proponents;
            iii.   Opponents; and
            iv.   Rebuttal by proponents or applicant;
         e.   Close public hearing;
         f.   Questions and discussion by hearing body;
         g.   Decision by the hearing body except that further discussions, decision, or reopening of the public hearing may be postponed to another meeting, the time, date, and place of which shall be announced before adjournment.
      2.   All persons who speak at the hearing shall identify themselves by name, address, and interest in the matter. Attorneys or other agents shall be allowed to speak on behalf of all participants.
      3.   Physical evidence in the form of written documents, photographs, or other exhibits may be accepted by the hearing body if deemed to be pertinent.
      4.   A record made at any prior evidentiary hearing may be accepted, considered, and used by the hearing body at any subsequent hearing, and said body, by majority vote of a quorum present, may deny to accept or hear any repetitious matter.
      5.   The hearing body may recess a hearing in order to obtain additional information or to serve further notice upon other property owners or persons it decides may be interested. Upon recessing for these purposes, the hearing body shall announce the time and date when the hearing will be resumed.
      6.   Before the conclusion of the initial evidentiary hearing, any participant may ask the hearings body for an opportunity to present additional relevant evidence or testimony that is within the scope of the hearing. The hearings body shall grant the request by scheduling a date to finish the hearing as follows:
         a.   If the hearings body grants a continuance, the completion of the hearing shall be continued to a date, time, and place at least seven days after the date of the first evidentiary hearing. An opportunity shall be provided at the second hearing for persons to present and respond to new written evidence and oral testimony. If new written evidence is submitted at the second hearing, any person may request, before the conclusion of the second hearing, that the record be left open for at least seven days, so that they can submit additional written evidence or testimony in response to the new written evidence; or
         b.   If the hearings body leaves the record open for additional written evidence or testimony, the record shall be left open for at least seven days after the hearing. Any participant may ask the City in writing for an opportunity to respond to new evidence submitted during the period the record was left open. If such a request is filed, the hearings body shall reopen the record as follows:
            i.   When the hearings body re-opens the record to admit new evidence or testimony, any person may raise new issues which relate to that new evidence or testimony.
            ii.   An extension of the hearing or record granted pursuant to this subsection is subject to the limitations of ORS 227.178 (120-day rule), unless the continuance or extension is requested or agreed to by the applicant.
            iii.   If requested by the applicant, the City shall allow the applicant at least seven days after the record is closed to all other persons to submit final written arguments in support of the application, unless the applicant expressly waives this right. The applicant’s final submittal shall be part of the record but shall not include any new evidence.
   F.   Decision process. 
      1.   Approval or denial of a Type III decision or appeal of a Type II decision shall be based on standards and criteria located in the code.
      2.   The hearings body shall issue a final written order containing findings and conclusions that approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application.
      3.   The written decision shall explain the relevant criteria and standards, state the facts relied upon in rendering the decision, and justify the decision according to the criteria, standards, and facts.
      3.   In cases involving attorneys, the prevailing attorney shall prepare the findings, conclusions, and final order. Staff shall review and, if necessary, revise, these materials prior to submittal to the hearings body.
   G.   Notice of Decision.
      1.   The written findings shall be sent to:
         a.   Any person who submits a written request to receive notice, provides written comments during the application review period, or provides written or oral testimony in the public hearing;
         b.   The applicant and owner of the subject property;
         c.   Any governmental agency which is entitled to notice under an intergovernmental agreement entered into with the City.
      2.   The written findings shall include information on the application, the City’s decision, and a statement explaining how an appeal of the decision may be filed.
   H.   Effective Date. A Type III decision is final for purposes of appeal when it is mailed by the City.
   I.   Appeal. The Planning Commission’s decision on a Type III decision or Type II appeal may be appealed to the City Council as follows:
      1.   The following have legal standing to appeal:
         a.   The applicant;
         b.   Any person who was mailed notice of the decision;
         c.   Any other person who participated in the proceeding by testifying or submitting written comments; and
         d.   The City Council, on its own motion.
      2.   Procedure.
         a.   A Notice of Appeal shall be filed in writing, on forms provided for the purpose by the Planning Director, within 10 days of the date the Notice of Decision was mailed.
         b.   The Notice of Appeal shall be accompanied by all required information and fees.
         c.   The appeal shall be limited to the specific issues raised during the comment period and public hearing process unless the hearings body allows additional evidence or testimony concerning any other relevant issue. The hearings body may allow additional evidence if it determines that such evidence is necessary to resolve the case. The purpose of this requirement is to limit the scope of appeals by encouraging persons to be involved in the public hearing. Only in extraordinary circumstances should new issues be considered by the hearings body on an appeal.
      3.   The City Council shall overturn the decision of the Planning Commission only when one or more of the following findings are made:
         a.   That the Commission did not correctly interpret the requirements of this title, the Comprehensive Plan, or other requirements of law;
         b.   That the Commission did not observe the precepts of good planning as interpreted by the Council; or
         c.   That the Commission did not adequately consider all of the information which was pertinent to the case.
      4.   The Council’s action on an appeal shall be governed by the same general regulations, standards, and criteria as apply to the Commission in the original consideration of the application.
   J.   Any decision of the Planning Commission may be appealed to the City Council unless otherwise specified in this Title. Such appeals will be processed using the Type III procedures unless otherwise specified in this Title.
   K.   The decision of the City Council regarding a Type IV decision, appeal of a Planning Commission decision, or any other process contained within this title, is the final decision of the City. (Ord. 1080, 2001; Ord. 1111 section 5, 2003; Ord 1237, 2007)