16.43.100   Exceptions to Standards.
   A.   Exceptions to the lighting standards in this section may be approved by the Planning Director. Lighting systems not complying with the technical requirements of this ordinance but consistent with the intent of the ordinance may be approved for the following:
      1.   Sport fields.
      2.   Construction lighting.
      3.   Industrial lighting for hazardous areas where the heat of the lighting fixture may cause a dangerous situation.
      4.   National and State Flag lighting with spotlights greater than 450 lumens.
   B.   To obtain such approval of an exception, applicants shall demonstrate that the proposed lighting installation:
      1.   Has received every reasonable effort to mitigate obtrusive light and artificial sky glow, supported by a signed statement from a registered engineer or by a lighting certified professional describing the mitigation measures.
      2.   The Planning Director shall review each such application. Approval may be granted if, upon review, the Planning Director believes that the proposed lighting will not create unwarranted glare, sky glow, or light trespass.