16.43.070   Luminaire Lamp Lumens, Shielding, and Installation Requirements.
   A.   All outdoor lighting shall comply with the limits to lamp wattage and the shielding requirements in Table 16.43.070 per the applicable Lighting Zone. These limits are the upper limits. Good lighting design will usually result in lower limits.
   B.   The city may accept a photometric test report, lighting plan, demonstration or sample, or other satisfactory confirmation that the luminaire meets the requirements of the shielding classification.
   C.   Such shielded fixtures must be constructed and installed in such a manner that all light emitted by the fixture complies with the specification given. This includes all the light emitted by the fixture, either directly from the lamp or by a diffusing element, or indirectly by reflection or refraction from any part of the fixture. Any structural part of the fixture providing this shielding must be permanently affixed.
   D.   All canopy lighting must be fully shielded. However, indirect upward light is permitted under an opaque canopy provided that no lamp or vertical element of a lens or diffuser is visible from beyond the canopy and such that no direct upward light is emitted beyond the opaque canopy.
   E.   Landscape features shall be used to block vehicle headlight trespass while vehicles are at an external point of service (i.e. drive-thru aisle).
   F.   All facade lighting must be restricted to the facade surface. The margins of the facade shall not be illuminated. Light trespass is prohibited.
Table 16.43.070 – Luminaire Maximum Lumens and Required Shielding
Lighting Zone
Fully Shielded
Partly Shielded
(Shielding is highly encouraged. Light trespass is prohibited.)
LZ 1
2600 lumens or less
800 lumens or less
None Permitted
Low voltage landscape lighting and temporary holiday lighting.
LZ 2
7800 lumens or less
1600 lumens or less
800 lumens or less
Landscape and facade lighting 1600 lumens or less; ornamental lights of 800 lumens or less.