16.10.070    Parking lots and access.
        A.   Parking Lots. A parking lot, whether as accessory or principal use, intended for the parking of automobiles or trucks, shall comply with the following:
      1.   Parking lot design shall comply with the dimensional standards set forth in Figure 1 of this section.
      2.   Parking stalls of eight (8) feet in width and sixteen (16) feet in length for compact vehicles may comprise up to a maximum of thirty (30) percent of the total number of parking stalls. Such parking stalls shall be marked “Compact Parking only” either on the parking surface or on a sign in front of the parking stalls.
      3.   Areas used for standing or maneuvering of vehicles shall have paved asphalt, concrete, solid concrete paver surfaces, or paved “tire track” strips maintained adequately for all weather use and so drained as to avoid the flow of water across sidewalks or into public streets, with the following exception:
         a.   The Planning Director or Planning Commission may approve the use of an engineered aggregate system for outdoor storage and/or non-required parking areas provided that the applicant can demonstrate that City Standards related to:
            i.   minimizing dust generation,
            ii.   minimizing transportation of aggregate to city streets, and
            iii.   minimizing infiltration of environmental contaminants including, but not limited to, motor oils, fuels, volatile organic compounds (e.g. benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene), and ethylene glycol are met.
The decision maker may impose conditions as necessary to meet City Standards.
         b.   Use of permeable surfacing materials for parking lots and driveways is encouraged whenever site and soil conditions make permeable surfacing feasible. Permeable surfacing includes, but is not limited to: paving blocks, turf block, pervious concrete, and porous asphalt. All permeable surfacing shall be designed, constructed, and maintained in accordance with the Canby Public Works Design Standards and the manufacturer’s recommendations. Maintenance of permeable surfacing materials located on private property are the responsibility of the property owner.
      4.   The full width of driveways must be paved in accordance with (3) above:
         a.   For a minimum of 20 feet from the right-of-way line back into the private property to prevent debris from entering public streets, and
         b.   To within 150 feet of all portions of the exterior wall of the first story of any structure(s) served by the driveway to ensure fire and emergency service provision.
      5.   Except for parking to serve residential uses, parking areas adjacent to or within residential planning districts or adjacent to residential uses shall be designed to minimize disturbance of residents. Artificial lighting, which may be provided, shall be so deflected as not to shine or create glare in any residential planning district or on any adjacent dwelling, or any street right-of-way in such a manner as to impair the use of such way.
      6.   Groups of more than four (4) parking spaces shall be so located and served by driveways that their use will require no backing movements or other maneuvering within a street right-of-way other than an alley.
      7.   Off-street parking areas, and the accesses to them, shall be designed and constructed to facilitate the flow of traffic, provide maximum safety of traffic access and egress and the maximum safety of pedestrian and vehicular traffic on the site and in adjacent roadways. The Planning Director or Planning Commission may require engineering analysis and/or truck turning diagrams to ensure safe and efficient traffic flow based on the number and type of vehicles using the site, the classification of the public roadway, and the design of the parking lot and access drives.
      8.   Parking bumpers or wheel stops shall be provided to prevent cars from encroaching on the street right-of-way, adjacent landscaped areas, or adjacent pedestrian walkways.
      9.   Accessible parking shall be provided, constructed, striped, signed and maintained as required by ORS 447.233 and all Oregon Structural Specialty Code requirements.
TABLE 16.10.070
Minimum dimensional Standard for Parking
This table and Figure 16.10.070 provide the minimum dimensional standards for parking areas and spaces.
A = Parking angle in degrees D = Minimum clear aisle width
B = Minimum stall width   E = Minimum clear stall distance at bay side
C = Minimum stall depth    F = Minimum clear bay width
0 (parallel)
   B.   Access.
      1.   The provision and maintenance of vehicular and pedestrian ingress and egress from private property to the public streets as stipulated in this ordinance are continuing requirements for the use of any structure or parcel of real property in the City of Canby. No building permit or other permits shall be issued until scale plans are presented that show how the ingress and egress requirement is to be fulfilled. Should the owner or occupant of a lot or building change the use to which the lot or building is put, thereby increasing ingress and egress requirements, it shall be unlawful and a violation of this ordinance to begin or maintain such altered use until the required increase in ingress and egress is provided.
      2.   The City of Canby encourages joint/shared access. Owners of two (2) or more uses, structures, or parcels of land may agree to, or may be required by the City to, utilized jointly the same ingress and egress when the combined ingress and egress of both uses, structures, or parcels of land satisfies their combined requirements as designed in this ordinance, provided that satisfactory legal evidence is presented to the City Attorney in the form of deeds, easements, leases or contracts shall be placed on permanent files with the city recorder.
      3.   All ingress and egress shall connect directly with public streets.
      4.   Vehicular access for residential uses shall be brought to within fifty (50) feet of the ground floor entrances or the ground floor landing of a stairway, ramp or elevator leading to dwelling units.
      5.   Required sidewalks shall extend from the ground floor entrances or the ground floor landing of a stairs, ramps or elevators to the sidewalk or curb of the public street or streets that provide the required access and egress.
      6.   To afford safe pedestrian access and egress for properties within the city, a sidewalk shall be constructed along all street frontages, prior to use or occupancy of the building or structure proposed for said property. The sidewalks required by this section shall be constructed to city standards except in the case of streets with inadequate right-of-way width or where the final street design and grade have not been established, in which case the sidewalks shall be constructed to a design, and in a manner approved by the Site and Design Review Board. Sidewalks approved by Board may include temporary sidewalks and sidewalks constructed on private property; provided, however, that such sidewalks shall provide continuity with sidewalks of adjoining commercial developments existing or proposed. When a sidewalk is to adjoin a future street improvement, the sidewalk construction shall include construction of the curb and gutter section to grade and alignment established by the Site and Design Review Board.
      7.   The standards set forth in this ordinance are minimum standards for access and egress, and may be increased through the site and design review process in any particular instance where the standards provided herein are deemed insufficient to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. (Ord. 890 section 12, 1993; Ord. 1237, 2007; Ord. 1338, 2010)
Minimum Access Requirements
16.10.070(B)(8): Minimum access requirements for residential uses - ingress and egress for residential uses shall not be less than the following (except that in the case of flag lots, section 16.64.0400) shall apply):
Dwelling units
Minimum number of accesses required
Minimum access width
Sidewalks & Curbs (in addition to driveways)
1 or 2
12 feet
none required
20 feet
Minimum of one sidewalk connection to residences and parking areas; curb required if sidewalk adjacent to driveway.
Option A:
1 access
Option B:
2 accesses
20 feet
12 feet
Minimum of one sidewalk connection to residences and parking areas; curb required if sidewalk adjacent to driveway.
Option A:
1 access
Option B:
2 accesses
30 feet
20 feet
Curbs required; Minimum of one sidewalk connection to residences and parking areas
Over 500
As required by Site and Design Review Board
As required by Public Works Director
16.10.070(B)(9): Minimum access requirements for commercial or institutional uses - ingress and egress for commercial uses shall not be less than the following:
Parking spaces required
Minimum number of accesses required
Minimum access width
Sidewalks & curbs (in addition to driveways)
12 feet
None required
20 feet
Curbs required; sidewalk on one side minimum
20 feet
Curbs required; sidewalk on one side minimum
Over 250
As required by Site and Design Review Board
As required by Public Works Director
16.10.070(B)(10): Minimum access requirements for industrial uses - ingress and egress for industrial uses shall not be less than the following:
Parking spaces required
Minimum number of accesses required
Minimum access width
Sidewalks & curbs (in addition to driveways)
24 feet
Curbs required; sidewalks on one side minimum
Over 250
As required by Public Works Director
      8.   One-Way Ingress or Egress – The hard surfaced pavement of one-way drives shall not be less than twelve (12) feet for multi-family residential, commercial or industrial uses. (Ord. 1514, 2019)
      9.   Driveways:
         a.   Access to private property shall be permitted with the use of driveway curb cuts. The access points with the street shall be the minimum necessary to provide access while not inhibiting the safe circulation and carrying capacity of the street. Driveways shall meet all applicable guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Driveway distance shall be measured from the curb intersection point [as measured for vision clearance area (16.04.670)]. Distances to an intersection shall be measured from the stop bar at the intersection.
         b.   Driveways shall be limited to one per property except for certain uses which include large commercial uses such as large box stores, large public uses such as schools and parks, drive through facilities, property with a frontage of over 250-feet and similar uses.
         c.   Double frontage lots and corner lots may be limited to access from a single street, usually the lower classification street. Single family residential shall not have access onto arterials, and shall have access onto collectors only if there is no other option.
         d.   If additional driveways are approved by the City Administrator or designee, a finding shall be made that no eminent traffic hazard would result and impacts on through traffic would be minimal. Restrictions may be imposed on additional driveways, such as limited turn movements, shared access between uses, closure of existing driveways, or other access management actions.
         e.   Within commercial, industrial, and multi-family areas, shared driveways and internal access between similar uses are encouraged to reduce the access points to the higher classified roadways, to improve internal site circulation, and to reduce local trips or movements on the street system. Shared driveways or internal access between uses will be established by means of common access easements at the time of development.
         f.   Driveway widths shall be as shown on the following table.
Driveway Widths (Minimum/Maximum, Ft.)
   Street Classification       Res.          Comm.       Ind.   
   Arterial:            NA (1)       12/36          12/36
   Industrial:          NA (1)       12/36          12/36
   Collector:          12/24 (2)      12/36          12/36
   Neighborhood Route:    12/24 (2)       12/36          12/36
   Local:             12/24 (2)       12/36          12/36
   Cul-de-sac:          12/24 (2)       12/36          12/36
   Public Alley          12/24 (2)        NA           NA
   Res. = Residential Zone
   Comm. = Commercial Zone
   Ind. = Industrial Zone
Notes:   (1) Special conditions may warrant access.
   (2) 28' maximum width for 3-car garage.
         g. Driveway spacing shall be as shown in the following table.
Minimum Driveway Spacing
Street Classification          Intersection             Driveway
Arterial (2)             330' (1)             330' (1)
Industrial Streets (2)          100' (1)             100' (1)
Collector (2)             100' (1)             100' (1)
Neighborhood Route          50' (1)(3)             10'   
Local (all)             50' (1)(3)             10'
Cul-de-sac             50' (1)(3)             10'
Public Alley             50’ (1)(3)                    
Notes:    (1) Minimum distance or no closer than 60% of parcel frontage unless this prohibits access to the site, in which case City Administrator or designee may approve a deviation.
   (2) Direct access to this street will not be allowed if an alternative exists or is planned.
   (3) For single-family residential houses, the minimum distance between driveways and an intersection shall be thirty (30) feet.
         h.   Curb cuts shall be a minimum of five feet from the property line, unless a shared driveway is installed. Single driveways may be paved up to an adjacent property line but shall maintain a five (5) foot separation from the side property line where the driveway enters the property. Driveways shall not be constructed within the curb return of a street intersection. Deviations may be approved by the City Administrator or designee.
         i.   For roads with a classification of Collector and above, driveways adjacent to street intersections shall be located beyond the required queue length for traffic movements at the intersection. If this requirement prohibits access to the site, a driveway with restricted turn movements may be permitted.
         j.   Multi-family access driveways will be required to meet the same access requirements as commercial driveways if the multi-family site generated 100 or more trips per day.
         k.   For circular type driveways, the minimum distance between the two driveway curb cuts on one single-family residential lot shall be thirty (30) feet. (Ord. 1514, 2019)
      10.   When considering a public facilities plan that has been submitted as part of site and design review plan in accordance with this ordinance, the city Public Works Supervisor may approve the location of a driveway closer than fifty (50) feet from the intersection of collector or arterial streets, based on written findings of fact in support of the decision. Said written approval shall be incorporated into the recommended decision of the City Planner for the site and design review plan under the process set forth.
      11.   Where an existing alley is 20 feet or less in width, the property line setback abutting the alley shall increase to provide a minimum of 24 feet for maneuvering and backing movements from, garages, carports, or parking areas. (Ord. 890 section 12, 1993; Ord. 872, 1991; Ord. 854 section 2 [part], 1991; Ord 848, Part V, section 16.10.070 (A)(B) 1990; Ord. 955 section 3 & 4 1996; Ord. 981 section 44, 1997; Ord. 1019 section 5, 1999; Ord 1237, 2007; Ord. 1514, 2019)