The following signs and types of signs shall be prohibited in the City of Canal Winchester, unless otherwise exemplified in Chapter 1189 of this Zoning Code:
   (a)    Any sign constituting a traffic hazard or contributing to traffic problems through confusion with traffic control devices, interference with the field of vision of motorists using streets or driveways in the area, or by creating a visual distraction for such motorists.
   (b)    Signs located within any public right-of-way.
   (c)    Animated, flashing, moving, rotating, scrolling, and intermittently illuminated signs.
   (d)    Roof-mounted signs or signs projecting above the roofline of a structure.
   (e)    Bench signs.
   (f)    Back-lit Awnings.
   (g)    Air actuated signs, inflatable signs, tethered balloons, pennants, searchlights, and streamers.
   (h)    Electronic message displays (EMDs), light-emitting diode (LED), liquid crystal display (LCD) and reader board signs, except as provided for in the zoning code with Section 1189.08(c) and 1189.08(d). EMD signs may be approved as a Conditional Use for institutional uses where the building, structure or land is used for public purpose.
      (1)   EMDs may be an element of a monument or freestanding sign but shall not exceed fifty (50) percent of the allowable sign area.
      (2)    Intensity of light:
         (i)   The maximum luminance produced by the sign shall not exceed three-tenths (3/10) foot candles greater than the ambient light level.
         (ii)   The light level produced by the sign shall be measured using the following equation based on typical sign-to-viewer distance: the square root of the product of the sign area and one-hundred (100). Example using a twelve (12) square foot sign:
            ( 12 x 100) - 34.6 feet measuring distance
         (iii)   Automatic dimming capability shall adjust the signs illumination to the ambient light at all times of the day or night.
      (3)    The sign shall be equipped to freeze the display in one position of a malfunction occurs. The sign must also be equipped with a means to immediately discontinue the display if it malfunctions.
      (4)    An EMD located on a lot adjacent to a Residential Unit(s) or lot(s) zoned for Residential Use shall be turned off between the hours of 10:00 pm and 6:00 am.
   (i)    Changeable copy signs (electronic or manual). Changeable copy signs may be approved as a Conditional Use for institutional uses where the building, structure or land is used for public purpose.
   (j)   Off-premises signs.
   (k)   Abandoned signs or signs in a state of disrepair as defined in Sections 1189.12 and 1189.03 of this Zoning Code, respectively.
   (l)   A sign attached to or painted on a light standard, gasoline pump, fence, wall, post, existing sign, or other structure, except as specifically authorized by this chapter.
   (m)    Any sign not stated as a permitted type of sign in Section 1189 of this Zoning Code. (Ord. 17-015. Passed 5-1-17.)