(a)   Water System Capacity Rates. A water system capacity charge shall be made for each new service connection on any property within or outside of Canal Winchester and shall be paid at the time a connection permit is issued for service. This charge shall be in addition to any other fees and charges made for water connection and shall be payable to the attention of the Finance Director.
   (b)   Prohibition. No person, firm or corporation shall make a service connection, or any part thereof, to the water system of Canal Winchester unless he or they have been issued a permit therefore by the City.
   (c)   Rates. A Water System Capacity Charge shall be paid whenever an application is made for the issuance of a water connection permit to provide water service to a new structure, or whenever an existing structure is enlarged or its use changed which necessitates a larger water tap, either inside or outside of the corporate limits of the City. The charges shall be determined according to this section. All water supply line sizes, other than for single family dwellings, must first be approved by the Director of Public Works. (Ord. 13-42. Passed 12-16-13.)
      (1)   Water System Capacity Rates.
         A.   For each residential detached dwelling or structure and for each nonresidential structure the charge shall be determined by the nominal diameter size of the water service line(s), with a minimum size to be not less than three-quarter (3/4) inch, and based on the relative capacity of the water service line(s). In the event a water service line or tap is enlarged within 120 days of the payment of capacity fees, the charge difference between the two diameter sizes shall be paid. In the event a water service line or tap is enlarged after 120 days of the payment of capacity fees, the full capacity fee shall be paid.
            The water system capacity charges and rates to be made within the Canal Winchester Public Water System shall be as follows:
Size of Tap or Service Line
Water System Capacity Fee
1 1/2"
   Any connection size larger than set forth in this subsection (c)(1) shall be calculated using the formula $4,919 (or current fee for ¾ inch size of tap or service line) multiplied by the relative capacity of the water service line (radius squared divided by 0.140625) and rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
   The water system capacity charges and rates to be made within the Canal Pointe Industrial Park Public Water System shall be the capacity fees as determined by the City of Pickerington plus ten percent (10%).
         B.   The fire protection capacity fee for the Canal Winchester Public Water for standby services where connection permits are granted solely for fire protection shall be based on tap size and be equal to twenty percent (20%) of the capacity charges stated in section A. In the event a tap is subsequently enlarged, the difference between the two tap sizes shall be paid.
The fire protection capacity charges and rates to be made within the Canal Pointe Industrial Park Public Water System shall be the capacity fees as determined by the City of Pickerington plus ten percent (10%).
            (Ord. 22-061. Passed 1-17-23.)
         C.   Based on the recommendation of the Director of Public Service, the Mayor is authorized to adjust the water system capacity fees in sections A. and B. above by up to three percent (3%) per year beginning on January 1, 2015 until cancelled by Council. The water system and fire protection capacity fees required by the City of Pickerington shall be increased at any time the City of Pickerington’s water system and fire protection capacity fees are increased.
   (d)   Charges and Rates Outside the City. All charges and rates imposed in Section 921.06(c)(1)A. and B. shall be increased by fifty percent (50%) for any connection to be made to the water system of the City outside the corporate limits of the City and outside the blue shaded area in Attachment 1 in accordance with standards and specifications as adopted by the City.
   (e)   Prepayment Of System Capacity Charges: The owner, developer or subdivider of any lands in the City or to which a water system connection will be made may, if he so selects, prepay the capacity charges at any time. However, if charges provided for by this section have been increased between the time of prepayment and the time the service connection is made, the owner, developer or subdivider shall pay the difference between any new rates and the prepaid charges at the time the connection is actually made.
   (f)   Disposition Of Fees: The charges received by the City of the proceeds of the water system capacity charge levied under the provisions of this section as passed or as later amended shall be paid into the water system capacity revenue fund and shall be encumbered along with interest earned for the purposes of financing construction of new facilities and/or the rehabilitation of current facilities to meet increased water demand or due to changes in regulations. The water system includes, but is not limited to, elevated storage facilities, booster stations and other special control devices.
   (g)   Modifications. The Mayor and the Director of Public Works have the authority to modify water system capacity charges if special circumstances exist. This may include, but is not limited to, if additional expenses were caused by factors beyond the control of the owner, developer, or subdivider. (Ord. 13-42. Passed 12-16-13.)