The following additions, insertions and changes shall further apply and shall supersede any and all references listed within the international building code, 2012 edition:
Section 101.1 Insert "village of Campton Hills".
(2013 Code § 11-1-5)
Section 105.8 Add a new section and the following:
Unique Construction: When a project has unique features, unusual construction sequences or out of the ordinary construction techniques, the building and zoning department shall have the authority to require additional documentation to determine code compliance. The building and zoning officer and zoning officer may also add additional fees to the building permit based on the additional inspections required or to cover the cost of specialized inspections or outside inspection or testing agencies.
Unique features or unusual construction sequence is a project where the use of features or sequences, which create the need for additional inspections other than those normally, requested by the building and zoning officer. The features or a sequence of operations, which creates additional inspections, can create this.
(2013 Code § 11-1-5; amd. 2016 Code)
Section Add a new section and the following:
Compliance With Site Plan
It shall be the responsibility of the builder/developer to submit to the building and zoning department a spot survey prepared by a registered land surveyor after the foundation is installed. This survey must be at a scale of not less than one inch equal to thirty feet (1" = 30'). The survey must also indicate the elevation above sea level of the top of the foundation wall and the top of the curb and sidewalk at lot lines extended relative to a United States geological survey benchmark. No construction will be allowed to proceed except for underground water and sewer, and related items until the spot survey is approved by the building and zoning department. This section applies to principal structures only and not to additions or accessory structures.
Section 109.1 Payment Of Fees: Add the following:
Insert "Building permit fee schedule shall be determined by ordinance by the village board.".
Section 110.1.1 Add the following:
Plans on the job site require: A copy of approved plans with all revisions shall be kept on the site of the building or work at the time of inspection.
Section 113 Board Of Appeals: Delete sections 113.1 through 113.3 and insert:
Section 113.1 The Application For Appeal: Any person shall have the right to appeal a decision of the code official to the board of appeals. An application for appeal shall be based on a claim that the true intent of this code or the rules legally adopted thereunder have been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of this code do not fully apply, or an equivalent form of construction is to be used.
Section 113.2 Membership Of Board: The board of appeals shall be comprised of the village president and the village board of Campton Hills.
Section 113.3 Open Hearing: All hearings before the board shall be open to the public and in compliance with the provisions of the open meetings act. The appellant, the appellant's representative, the code official and any person whose interests are affected shall be given an opportunity to be heard.
Section 113.4 Board Decision: The board shall affirm, modify, or reverse the decision of the code official by a concurring vote of a majority of its members. The board can also remand the appeal back to the code official.
Section 113.5 Court Review: Any person, whether or not a previous party of the appeal, shall have the right to apply to the appropriate court for appropriate relief to correct errors of law. Application for review shall be made in the manner and time required by law following the filing of the decision in the office of the chief administrative officer.
(2013 Code § 11-1-5)
Section 113.6 Violation Penalties: Insert the following:
The penalties shall be as determined by ordinance by the village board.
   (2013 Code § 11-1-5; amd. 2016 Code)
Section 406.3.4 Change 1/2 inch gypsum board to 5/8-inch gypsum board.
Section 406.3.6 Add a new section and the following:
Gas Curbs: Minimum 4-inch high gas curbs are to be provided in and around the entire garage floor area in all attached garages. The pitch from rear to front must not be less than .05 percent.
Table 601 Add the following line:
Tenant Separations: There shall be a minimum of a one- hour fire separation (vertically and horizontally) separating different tenants.
Section 901.6 Add the following:
All water flow switches, valve supervision, trouble signals, and fire alarm systems shall transmit an alarm to a location approved by the code official.
Sections 903.2.1 through 903.2.10.1 Delete sections 903.2.1 through 903.2.10.1 and add the following:
See section 9-1-6 of the village code for the sprinkler requirements.
Section 903.4.2 Add the following sentence:
Provide a strobe above the fire department connection for all sprinkler and standpipe systems.
Section 903.6 Add new section 903.6 Sprinkler System Design Criteria:
Sprinkler hydraulic designs for NFPA 13 and NFPA 13R systems shall be designed with a minimum of a five (5) pound difference between the sprinkler system design including hose requirements and the available water supply. The five (5) pound safety factor shall be applied to the water flow test after any adjustments for a seasonal low.
(2013 Code § 11-1-5)
Section 1029.6 Add the following section to read as follows:
   Notwithstanding anything contained within the IBC to the contrary, any alteration, repair or addition to windows within a sleeping unit or sleeping room identified in Section 1029.1 of the IBC shall ensure such alteration, repair or addition shall cause the applicable sleeping unit or sleeping room to be compliant with the requirements for emergency escape and rescue openings as provided in Section 1029 of the IBC.
Chapter 11 Insert the following text:
When there is a conflict between this chapter and the Illinois accessibility code the stricter of the two codes shall apply.
Section 1612.3 Insert: Village of Campton Hills Flood Plain Study August 3, 2009, July 17, 2012.
Section 1805.0 Footings And Foundations: All references to wood footings and foundations are deleted. The use of wood footings and foundations is prohibited.
(2013 Code § 11-1-5)
Chapter 29 Plumbing Systems: Delete the chapter in its entirety.
(2013 Code § 11-1-5; amd. 2016 Code)
Section 3001.2 Add the following:
Referenced standards to be as stringent and comply with the current Illinois safety act and its rules. For residential conveyance application, the act does not apply, however the IBC shall apply for new installations, permits and final acceptance. For applications not covered by the Illinois elevator safety act, those conveyance applications shall be covered under the IBC.
Section 3002.4 Change as follows:
In all buildings at least one elevator shall be provided for fire emergency access to all floors in all buildings with an elevator.
Such elevator cars shall be such size and arrangement to accommodate a 24-inch by 80-inch ambulance stretcher in the horizontal open position and shall be identified by the international symbol for emergency medical services (star of life).
(2013 Code § 11-1-5)
The village building official shall require that the provisions of the current "Illinois plumbing license law", 225 Illinois Compiled Statutes 320/1 et seq., as presently in force or as the same may be hereafter amended or modified and the same is hereby incorporated herein by reference and adopted as the standard for the purposes of this ordinance. Any conflicts concerning the provisions of these codes shall be determined by the strictest standard contained in the code provisions.
One elevator to be used in all new buildings shall be sized for stretcher use by the fire department. Minimum size to be 2500 pounds with a clear inside dimension to accommodate a 24-inch x 84-inch stretcher. It shall be identified by the international symbol for emergency medical services (star of life). The symbol shall not be less than 3 inches high and shall be placed inside of both sides of the hoist way doorframe.
(2013 Code § 11-1-5; amd. 2016 Code)
All elevators shall comply with the Illinois OSFM rules for elevators.
Section 3301.3. Add a new section and the following:
Mud And Debris Control: Builders are responsible for:
         a.   Mud left on streets by contractors or material suppliers must be cleaned at least at the end of each day, and more often if the accumulation is sufficient to cause a hazard.
         b.   Material and debris must be placed in a dumpster at the end of each day or any confined area such as a garage, etc. Construction materials and debris shall be secured on the construction site and no building materials or debris shall be burned in compliance with title 5, chapter 1, Nuisances, of the village code.
         c.   Crossing landscaped areas, improved parkways, or adjacent properties is prohibited except an improved parkway may be crossed if a temporary access permit has been issued.
Compliance with this control will provide and enhance the natural beauty of the environment. Failure to comply with this control requirement will result in:
         a.   A fine/or penalties.
         b.   Suspension of building permit.
Section 3303.4 Vacant Lots: Delete the section and insert the following:
Restoration Of Demolition Site: All foundations, walls, footings, concrete floors, and other concrete in areas below grade must be removed. All demolition debris, including, but not limited to, bricks, concrete, wood and metal shall be removed, and all voids resulting from the above removal shall be filled to at least the existing grade with granular materials in accordance with section 213 of the state of Illinois standard specifications for road and bridge construction; except, that a maximum of twenty (20) percent of nonorganic rubble may be used as fill material. The area must then be swaled for proper drain-off. The land must be restored as close as possible to its original stage. The final top layer of fill shall contain adequate topsoil to sustain grass and be seeded in a professional manner. Residential fill shall be approved by the code official.
The only exception to this shall be when the proposed site is 5 or more acres in size and when the demolition/restoration would, to a large degree, include the filling of areas over 2 acres in size below existing grade. Provided that the above conditions are met, the applicant may choose to create a retention/detention stormwater facility or another type of open space recreation facility, which obtains its main attractiveness through the use of permanent surface waters of 2 acres or more in size. The applicant would be required to provide a facility, which is safe for its intended or potential uses as provided in other sections of the Campton Hills village code. The applicant would also have to provide the previously mentioned survey of the facility and design the facility according to good engineering practices to enable it to function for indeterminate time periods without extensive maintenance or harm to neighboring properties, public facilities or groundwater resources. The ownership and maintenance of the facility shall be negotiated with the village as part of the review process enabling demolition. The building official based on their potential merits or impact on the community, shall consider specific items not directly covered.
Section 3410.2 insert 2007.
Referenced standards:
Delete the references to the international existing building code.
Delete the references to the international plumbing code.
Delete the references to the international private sewage disposal code.
Adopt the following appendices: C, D, F, and I.
(2013 Code § 11-1-5; amd. Ord. O-19-16, 10-1-2019)