(A) Excavations, vehicles, timber, and the like. It shall be unlawful for any person to obstruct any street or sidewalk in the city by making excavations therein, or by placing thereon to remain standing any automobile, wagon, carriage, buggy, or other vehicle, or by piling thereon or otherwise placing any timber, lumber, bricks, dirt, or other materials, unless permission to do so is first obtained from the City Manager subject to such rules and regulations as he may prescribe.
('64 Code, § 25-5)
(B) Merchandise, barrels, shrubbery, and the like; exception. It shall be unlawful for any person to obstruct the streets or sidewalks of the city by placing thereon any merchandise, barrels, boxes, or other things. It shall be unlawful to plant any shrubbery, ornamental flowers, or other growing things between the sidewalk and the street curb, except grass. However, the city may plant and replant shade trees to grow in any area.
('64 Code, § 25-6) (Ord. passed 10-9-50)
(C) When dangerous to traffic. No person shall place any obstruction on the streets that shall endanger vehicles in passing. Anyone violating this division and failing to remove the obstruction within six hours after notice from any member of the police force shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
('64 Code, § 25-8)
(D) Removal. Any obstruction standing or being in or on the driveway or sidewalks of the streets, and on grass plots lying between the sidewalk or the curb or area which would be included between the sidewalk and curb of the street, if paved shall constitute a nuisance. The obstruction shall be removed by the person causing the same within five days after written notice from the City Manager.
('64 Code, § 25-7) (Ord. passed 10-9-50) Penalty, see § 10.99
For the purpose of this subchapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
"CHIEF OF POLICE." The Chief of Police of the city, or in his absence an officer as may be appointed temporarily to fill his place by the City Manager.
"PARADE." Any parade, march, ceremony, show, exhibition, pageant, procession of any kind, or any similar display, demonstration, or conduct in or upon any street, including the sidewalk, park, or other public place in the city.
"PARADE PERMIT." A permit required by this subchapter.
"UNIT." An animal, vehicle, conveyance, or person participating in a parade.
('64 Code, § 25-19) (Ord. passed 6-10-63)
Except as otherwise specifically provided by this subchapter, no person shall engage in, participate in, aid, direct, organize, form, or start any parade unless a permit shall have been obtained from the Chief of Police; however, this subchapter shall not apply to:
(A) Funeral processions;
(B) Any local, state, or federal governmental agency acting in the scope of its authorized functions.
('64 Code, § 25-21) (Ord. passed 6-10-63) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) A person seeking issuance of a parade permit shall file an application with the Chief of Police on forms provided by that officer.
('64 Code, § 25-22)
(B) The application for a parade permit shall set forth the following information:
(1) The name, address, and telephone number of the person seeking to conduct the parade.
(2) If the parade is on behalf of, for or by an organization, the name, address, telephone number, and authorized and responsible heads of the organization.
(3) The name, address, and telephone number of the person who will be responsible for the conduct of the parade. If the parade is to be held in behalf of or for any person other than the applicant, then the applicant for the permit shall file with the Chief of Police a written authorization empowering him to make the application, the authorization to be signed by the person for whom the permit is sought.
(4) The date of the parade, the route, the approximate number of persons participating, the time, the composition, and the interval of space to be maintained between units of the parade, as well as any additional information which the Chief of Police shall find reasonably necessary to a fair determination as to whether a permit should issue.
('64 Code, § 25-24) (Ord. passed 6-10-63)
The Chief of Police, where good cause is shown therefor, shall have the authority to consider any application for a parade permit which is filed when less than the prescribed minimum time is remaining, as provided by § 98.43.
('64 Code, § 25-25) (Ord. passed 6-10-63)
The Chief of Police shall issue a permit as provided for by this subchapter when, from a consideration of the application and from any other information as may otherwise be obtained, he determines that the parade will not substantially interrupt the flow of traffic; will not require the diversion of an undue or burdensome number of police officers or fire, rescue, or health units; the concentration of persons, animals, and vehicles will not unduly interfere with fire and police protection, ambulance or rescue service, or place any dangerous burden upon any portion of the route to be traveled; is not reasonably likely to cause injury to persons or property, to provoke disorderly conduct or create a disturbance; and the parade is scheduled to move expeditiously and without unreasonable delay over the designated route.
('64 Code, § 25-27) (Ord. passed 6-10-63)
(A) The Chief of Police shall act upon any application for a parade permit properly made to him within one day after the filing thereof, and if he disapproves the application he shall, within two days after the date upon which the application was filed, give notice of his action, stating the reasons for denial.
(B) Any person aggrieved by the denial shall have a right of appeal to the City Council, which appeal shall be taken within five days after notice of rejection, and which appeal shall state, in writing, the grounds upon which the appeal is taken. The City Council shall act upon the appeal within 15 days after receipt of notice thereof, and shall be empowered to fix a time and place for public or executive hearing thereon.
(C) It shall be the responsibility of an applicant for a permit to call at the office of the Chief of Police or the City Manager to determine whether or not the application has been rejected or granted and any further notices contemplated herein shall be given either to the City Manager or to the applicant, at the address indicated in the application, as may be appropriate.
('64 Code, § 25-26) (Ord. passed 6-10-63)