Unless otherwise expressly stated, the following terms shall for the purpose of this article, have the meanings indicated in this section.
   AMPLIFIED SOUND. Any sound augmented by any electronic means that increases the sound level or volume.
   DECIBEL. A unit for measuring the volume of a sound, equal to 20 times (the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the pressure of the sound measured to the reference pressure, which is 20 micro pascals) (20 micro newtons per square meter).
   LIVE MUSIC. Any sound comprised of instrumental music, song, or a combination of instrumental music and song, produced in whole or in part by a singer vocalizing or a musician playing a musical instrument on the same premises of the sound source.
   NOISE. Any sound which annoys or disturbs humans or which causes or tends to cause an adverse psychological or physiological effect on humans.
   NOISE DISTURBANCE. Any sound which: (a) endangers the safety or health of humans or animals; or (b) is at a volume that causes actual interference with a person’s peaceful enjoyment of a residents or the peace and good order of the community; (c) endangers or injures personal or real property; (d) is plainly audible at the nearest residential property located at least 100 feet away from the sound source; or (e) produces sound in excess of 85 decibels. The sound shall be measured at the closest neighboring inhabited dwelling or dwelling setback, whichever is closer.
   RECORDED MUSIC. Any sound comprised of instrumental music or song or a combination thereof, produced and generated by a speaker, loudspeaker, radio, television, tape deck, recorder player, compact disc player, jukebox, or other sound-producing device.
(Ord. 31-14, passed 6-16-14)