For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CODE. The city code.
   COMPATIBLE LOTS. A lot compatible for manufactured home use must meet all of the following conditions:
      (1)   Be within the R-B-I zones, or R-B zones.
      (2)   The utilization of the lot by a manufactured home will be sufficiently consistent with existing adjacent residential uses as to be unlikely to cause or contribute to economic deterioration of the neighborhood. A conclusive presumption that such utilization shall not cause economic deterioration in the neighborhood will be found if the fair market value of the unit is at least 90% of the current average estimated fair market value of the neighborhood. Such determination shall be made by the City Engineering Department pursuant to procedures set forth in § 152.07.
   MANUFACTURED HOME. A residential dwelling unit manufactured to the standards of the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act and defined therein as a manufactured home, and meeting the requirements of a house trailer as defined in R.C. § 4501.01(O).
   NEIGHBORHOOD. The four nearest single-family dwellings surrounding lot, but not further than 500 feet from lot. Determination of what constitutes the appropriate neighborhood with respect to a subject lot shall be made by the City Engineering Department pursuant to procedures set forth in § 152.07.
   SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNIT. Structures constructed or manufactured for use by a single family as a residence, including but not limited to conventional structures, and manufactured homes.
   SUBJECT LOT OR SITE. The specific lot for which an application has been filed pursuant to § 152.07.
   UNIT. Total of value of home, lot, and development costs.
(Ord. 41-83, passed 5-9-63; Am. Ord. 86-85, passed 10-15-85)