(A)   Every applicant for water service whose application is denied advised of that denial by delivery to them of a completed Denial of Service form. Delivery shall be made personally at the time of application if the application is made in person, or by ordinary mail to the address listed in the application within one business day after the application is received, if the application is made by telephone. Persons whose applications are denied have all of the hearing rights set forth in § 51.46 above.
   (B)   The only grounds for which an application for water service can be denied are that:
      (1)   The premises to be served require specified repairs before water service can be safely provided; or
      (2)   The applicant owes the city an outstanding bill for prior water service under an account established in the applicant's name. However, no application can be denied for this reason if the applicant tenders payment for the prior account.
   (C)   No application for water service may be delayed or denied because of the credit worthiness of or any bill owed by any person other than the applicant, including but not limited to the owner of the premises to be served, the applicant's landlord, or other persons who may live at the premises to be served.