(A)   Termination of service may occur without prior notice if emergency circumstances involve imminent danger to persons or property, including a break in a water service line. In cases where the Utilities Director determines there is a threat of contamination of the public water supply or a threat to the health of the public, termination will be immediate, until all hazards are eliminated.
   (B)   Prior notice through local media shall be given by the city where water service shall be lost for more than eight hours as a result of routine or scheduled maintenance, so that consumers of water service may plan accordingly. If the loss of water service results from a water line break or other emergency circumstances, and is expected to, or does, last for more than four hours, the city shall give notice to service addresses affected by such loss of service by asking the local radio media to publicize the loss of service, the reason for it, and the expected date and time by which the city expects to restore service.
   (C)   If water service must be temporarily suspended on a non-emergency basis for the purpose of repairs within the service address, a Suspension Request form must be completed in writing by the customer contractually obligated to pay for service at the address. If any service address that would be affected by suspension is a consumer benefitted unit, suspension for repair shall not be processed unless either:
      (1)   The request is also signed by an adult consumer residing at each service address that would be affected by suspension with proper identification before a Utilities Department employee, either at the Utility Office or at the service address; or
      (2)   The applicant for the suspension certifies that the service address will be unoccupied during the suspension and that no consumer will be affected and provides the city with a copy of a written notice that has been provided to the occupant of the unit at least 24 hours before the suspension notifying the occupants of the proposed suspension.
   (D)   If the Suspension Request is not signed by an adult consumer residing at each service address that would be affected by the suspension, the water division employee who suspends service shall visit each affected service address and verify that it is vacant. Verification shall be made by conducting and documenting a reasonable investigation which includes a thorough inspection of the interior of the premises. Documentation of the reasonable investigation must affirmatively state whether the employee found the affected premises to be vacant and the facts observed by the employee which support that conclusion, together with any facts that tend to indicate that the premises might still be occupied. The customer requesting the suspension must grant access to the premises to the Utilities Department employee for the purpose of conducting said investigation at the time of suspension.
   (E)   A copy of the Suspension Request shall be retained in the city's business records relating to any service address so affected. The city shall restore service suspended for the purpose of non-emergency repair upon the demand of the customer or owner or of an adult consumer residing at any service address so affected.