(A)   Billing and Administration. The following equation shall be used to establish the quarterly/monthly charge for billing and administration.
A = B / C where:
A = Quarterly/monthly charge for billing and administration (cost per bill).
B = City's annual cost for billing and administration of wastewater treatment system.
C = Total number of bills generated annually by the City.
   (B)   Operation, Maintenance and Replacement (O, M and R). The following equation shall be used to establish the quarterly/monthly charge for operation, maintenance and replacement (O, M and R).
D = E / F where:
D = Quarterly/monthly charge for O, M and R (Cost per 1,000 gallons).
E = City's annual cost of operation, maintenance and replacement for the water pollution control center and collection system.
F = Total annual metered flow through residential, commercial, industrial and other public authority flow meters (thousands gallons)
   (C)   Debt Retirement. The following equation shall be used to establish the quarterly/monthly charge for debt retirement:
G = H / I where:
G = Quarterly/monthly charge for debt retirement (cost per 1,000 gallons).
H = City's annual, debt payments for water pollution control center and collection system improvements.
I = Total annual metered flow through residential, commercial, industrial and other public authority flow meters (thousands of gallons).
   (D)   Additional Charges. Additional charges shall be levied against users outside of the city's corporation limits, and/or users discharging EXTRA STRENGTH WASTEWATER or wastewater containing BOD concentrations in excess of 300 mg/l, and/or suspended solids concentrations in excess of 250 mg/l and/or oil and grease concentrations in excess of 100 mg/l. Additional charges for wastewater shall be $100 plus those charges based on the following equations:
      (1)   Outside city's corporation limits. The following equation shall be used to establish the additional charge for users outside of the city's corporation limits to pay for the O, M and R of facilities specifically required to transport wastewater into the city.
J = K / L where:
J = Additional quarterly/monthly charge for O, M and R for customers outside of the City's corporation limits (cost per 1,000 gallons).
K = City's annual cost for O, M and R for facilities at the city's corporation limits that are specifically required to transport wastewater into the city.
L = Total annual metered flow through only residential, commercial, industrial and other public authority flow meters outside of the city's corporation limits (thousands of gallons).
      (2)   BOD.
M = O / P where:
M = Average O, M and R only for BOD removal.
N = Annual O, M and R cost of water pollution control center only.
O = 0.30 x N = Annual M and R cost associated with BOD removal.
P = Total pounds of BOD entering the wastewater treatment plant annually.
   The BOD surcharge shall be based on the user's total monthly discharge in excess of 300 mg/l as defined for normal strength sewage or waste in § 50.001. BOD surcharge includes monitoring and surveillance charges as defined in § 50.059.
      (3)   Suspended solids.
Q = S / T where:
Q = Average O, M and R cost for suspended solids removal.
R = Annual O, M and R cost of water pollution control center only.
S = 0.35 x R = annual M and R cost associated with suspended solids removal.
T = Total pounds of suspended solids entering the treatment plant annually.
   The suspended solids surcharge shall be based on the user's total monthly discharge in excess of 250 mg/l as defined for normal strength sewage or wastes in § 50.001. Suspended solids surcharge includes monitoring and surveillance charges as defined in § 50.059.
      (4)   Oil and grease.
   U = V/W where:
   U = Average O, M and R cost for oil and grease removal.
   R = Annual O, M and R cost of water pollution control center only.
   V = 0.40 x R = annual M and R cost associated with oil and grease removal.
   W = Total pounds of oil and grease entering the treatment facility.
   The oil and grease surcharge shall be based on the user's total monthly discharge in excess of 100 mg/l as defined for normal strength sewage or waste in § 50.001. Oil and grease surcharges include monitoring and surveillance charges as defined in § 50.059.
   (E)   Rates.  
      (1)   In accordance with this section, sewer rates for residents inside the city are hereby established as follows:
Rate per 1,000 Gallons
Rate per 1,000 Gallons
      (2)   In accordance with this section, sewer rates for residents outside the city are hereby established as follows:
Rate per 1,000 Gallons
Rate per 1,000 Gallons
(Ord. 63-90, passed 9-10-90; Am. Ord. 35-04, passed 5-10-04; Am. Ord. 30-13, passed 5-28-13; Am. Ord. 97-2021, passed 12-13-21)