50.01 Effectiveness
50.02 Definitions
50.03 Sanitation collection service required
50.04 Container required; placement
50.05 Meddling with trash receptacles prohibited
50.06 Containers to be kept sanitary and secure
50.07 Unauthorized private collections prohibited
50.08 Sanitation service: city options.
50.09 Removal of building materials
50.10 Prohibited acts
50.11 Nonresidential customers; container types; collection schedules
50.12 Manner of collection and transportation
50.13 Licensing for collection
50.14 Collection of leaves, trees or tree limbs
Health and Safety; Nuisances, see Chapter 92
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
GARBAGE. Organic refuse resulting from the preparation of food, and decayed and spoiled food from any source.
RUBBISH. All inorganic refuse matter such as tin cans, glass, paper, ashes and the like.