Public Dances
118.01 Regulation of public dances
118.02 Definitions
118.03 Permit required
118.04 Application for permit
118.05 Insurance
118.06 Location
118.07 Permit to be posted
118.08 Liquor license required
118.09 Licensed police officer presence
118.10 Hours
118.11 Minors prohibited
118.12 Certain behavior prohibited
118.13 Lighting
118.14 Noise
Special Events
118.20 Purpose and findings
118.21 Definitions
118.22 Permit required
118.23 Application for permit
118.24 Issuance of permit, conditions and posting
118.25 Exceptions to the permit
118.99 Penalty
All public dances held in this city shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
Penalty, see § 118.99
The terms stated below shall have the following meanings:
PUBLIC DANCE. Any dance where the general public may participate, whether or not a charge for admission for dancing is made.
PUBLIC DANCING PLACE. Any room or space or other area, whether indoors or outside, which is open to the general public for the purpose of participating in public dancing.
No person shall conduct a public dance in this city unless a permit has been obtained from the City Clerk prior to the holding of the dance. The fees for a permit shall be as established by the Ordinance Establishing Fees and Charges, adopted pursuant to § 30.11 of this code, as that ordinance may be amended from time to time. In addition to this fee, the applicant shall pay the cost to the city of providing a licensed peace officer or officers to be present at the dance. The City Council shall establish criteria for determining the number of licensed peace officers required to be present at any dance. No permit shall be issued until the fee and the cost for providing the peace officer or officers has been paid.
Penalty, see § 118.99
Any person desiring a permit to hold a public dance in this city shall submit an application for a permit on the form provided by the City Clerk, submitted to the City Clerk at least ten days before the date of the proposed dance. The application shall set forth the name and address of the applicant, who shall be the person responsible for conducting the public dance, and any business, committee or organization sponsoring the dance, the place where the dance is to be held, the date of the dance and the time of its beginning and end. Proof of all insurance required by this chapter shall be submitted with the application and no permit shall be issued until proof of insurance has been received. A request for any use of a city building or other city property shall be included with the permit application, and no permit shall be issued until the fees for the use of the city building or other city property have also been paid.
Penalty, see § 118.99
Insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 per event is required. All insurance policies required for the event, including any insurance required by law for the sale of alcoholic beverages, shall list the city as a named insured and provide a provision to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the city and any of its employees from any claims arising from the event.
Penalty, see § 118.99