General Provisions
   34.001   Depositories designated; funds to be deposited
   34.002   Funds secured by unit collateral system
Sales Tax
   34.015   Adoption; amendments and effective date
   34.016   Definitions
   34.017   Classification of taxpayers
   34.018   Subsisting state permits
   34.019   Purpose of revenues
   34.020   Tax rate; sales subject to tax
   34.021   Exemptions on sales subject to other tax
   34.022   Exemptions generally
   34.023   Exemptions for governmental and nonprofit entities
   34.024   Exemptions for agriculture
   34.025   Exemptions for manufacturers
   34.026   Exemptions for corporations and partnerships
   34.027   Time when due; returns and records
   34.028   Payment of tax; brackets
   34.029   Tax constitutes debt
   34.030   Duty of vendor to collect
   34.031   Returns and remittances; discounts
   34.032   Interest and penalties for delinquency
   34.033   Waiver of interest and penalties
   34.034   Erroneous payments; claims for refunds
   34.035   Records confidential
   34.036   Amendment provisions
   34.037   Provisions cumulative
Use Tax
   34.050   Adoption
   34.051   Definitions
   34.052   Classification of taxpayers
   34.053   Subsisting state permits
   34.054   Purpose of revenues
   34.055   Tax levied
   34.056   Exemptions
   34.057   Time when due; returns and payments
   34.058   Tax constitutes debt
   34.059   Duty of retailer or vendor to collect
   34.060   Permits for retailers or vendors not within or both within and without state
   34.061   Revoking permits for noncompliance
   34.062   Remunerative deductions for retailers or vendors of other states
   34.063   Interest and penalties for delinquency
   34.064   Waiver of interest and penalties
   34.065   Erroneous payments; claims for refunds
   34.066   Records confidential
   34.067   Provisions cumulative
Tourism Tax
   34.080   Definitions
   34.081   Tax rate
   34.082   Designation of tax on bills
   34.083   Duty of operator to collect
   34.084   Remittance of Hotel Lodging Tax
   34.085   Tourism and Development Fund created
   34.086   Disbursement of funds
   34.087   Exemptions
Utility Tax
   34.100   Tax levied
   34.101   Franchises exempt
   34.102   Payment of tax
   34.103   Failure to pay
   34.104   Tax constitutes a lien
Natural Gas Tax
   34.115   Tax levied
   34.116   Franchises exempt
   34.117   Payment of tax
   34.118   Failure to pay
   34.119   Tax constitutes a lien
   34.120   Permit granted when franchise not held
Telephone Exchange Fee
   34.135   Fee levied
   34.136   Time when due; payment
   34.137   Fee in lieu of other fees or taxes
Purchasing Powers
   34.150   Definitions
   34.151   Purchasing officers
   34.152   Purchases without Approval
   34.153   Competitive bids
   34.154   Lease/purchase agreements
   34.155   Sale or distribution of surplus property
   34.156   Sale or distribution of surplus real property
   34.157   Cooperative purchasing
   34.158   Prohibited purchases
   34.159   Emergency purchases
   34.999   Penalty