(1) Conform To Standards: Every phase of all subdivisions and planned unit developments shall conform to the standards of the adopted comprehensive plan, the zoning regulations of the city, "city code" as herein defined, as well as all subsequent adopted updates and amendments to "city code" as herein defined unless exceptions were granted by council and listed in the order of decision for the preliminary plat and/or development agreement; also excepting lot sizes, lot dimensions, setbacks and number of lots which shall remain as indicated in the preliminary order of decision and/or development agreement.
(2) Specifications And/Or Standards Adopted: The city has adopted specifications and details of the "Idaho Standards For Public Works Construction" (hereinafter referred to as ISPWC) as standards for construction and design within the impact area and city limits and shall adopt later editions of ISPWC by resolution. These standards are augmented by general addenda, including Caldwell supplemental specifications (hereinafter referred to as CSS), approved by resolution of the council as necessary, to ensure uniform material selection and construction practice for those items specific to the city of Caldwell. (Ord. 2768, 4-20-2009)
(1) Design And Construction Conformance: The design and construction of all streets and alleys shall conform to requirements of the city transportation master plan, "Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices" (hereinafter referred to as MUTCD), ISPWC and CSS.
(2) Partial Street Dedications: Partial street dedications shall not be permitted unless the street forms the boundary of the property being subdivided, the adjacent property is not under common ownership, or the street is anticipated to be a through street upon development of adjacent properties. All partial street dedications shall require construction of partial street sections of no less than twenty-six feet (26') in width from centerline to back of curb that meet the requirements of the city transportation master plan, ISPWC and CSS. When the property abutting the partial street develops, the owner of that property shall be required to complete the construction of the street section, mirroring the street section and right of way of the already constructed original portion, including dedication of any additional right of way required by the city.
(3) Dead End And Stub Streets: Dead end streets are prohibited. Stub streets may be allowed when said stub street and its extension is shown on the city transportation master plan or when, in the opinion of the planning and zoning director and city engineer, the future extension of said stub street is feasible and necessary to the proper development of the street pattern. All stub streets authorized by this chapter shall be clearly marked by signage at the end of the stub street to indicate that such street is planned to be extended in the future.
(4) Continuation Of Existing Street: Proposed streets, which are a continuation of an existing street, shall be given the same name as the existing street, except that the proposed street shall carry the correct street designation (street, drive, avenue, way, etc.) even though the existing street designation may be incorrect.
(5) Street Naming: All street naming shall be in accordance with chapter 5 of this code.
(6) Frontage Streets And Cross Access: Where a subdivision/development abuts or contains an existing or proposed arterial street, railroad or limited access highway, the city engineer may require frontage streets, or such other treatment for the appropriate use of the tract. Cross access on the subject property in the absence of frontage streets along higher level arterials in commercial development shall be required to provide continuous public cross access to both the subject property and adjacent development.
(7) Connectivity: A minimum of one street connection for vehicular connectivity shall be provided to all adjacent properties for all subdivisions/developments, at appropriate locations as determined by the engineering department, fire department and planning and zoning department, excepting that this condition may be waived by the engineering department and planning and zoning department as a joint decision or by council if topography, geography, dimensions or size of the subdivision/development are such that no connectivity is warranted or feasible. Additionally, in the event an adjacent property has already developed and did not have provision for connectivity, the connectivity requirement may be waived for the new project in that specific direction only.
(8) Loop Streets: Loop streets shall be limited to a maximum length of six hundred feet (600') measured along the centerline of the street from the centerline intersection to centerline intersection. Loop streets are permitted on a case by case basis and are subject to review and approval by both the fire department and the engineering department. The fire department discourages the use of loop streets.
(9) Emergency Service Vehicle Accessibility: The following street distances, configurations, specifications, and related items are required to satisfy accessibility to subdivisions and planned unit developments by emergency services vehicles:
A. A cul-de-sac, court or similar type street may be permitted provided the maximum length for such street shall not exceed six hundred feet (600') as measured from the centerline intersection of such street and the street from which such street takes access to the center of the cul-de-sac turnaround.
B. Cul-de-sac turnarounds must meet fire department approval as referenced in international fire code appendix D.
C. The length of any driveway, regardless of use or zone, shall not exceed one hundred fifty feet (150') unless the subdivider has received fire department approval.
D. Minimum driveway widths shall be twenty feet (20'). Landscaping shall be installed so as to protect a clear height of thirteen feet six inches (13'6") within the required twenty foot (20') width.
E. Primary and emergency access shall be required, as approved by the fire department which may approve other mitigation in lieu of emergency access, for all subdivisions and planned unit developments.
1. If the development contemplates emergency access by means of streets to be constructed in future phases and provides interim emergency access improved to fire department standards for temporary access over a temporary emergency access easement which is irrevocable until such future streets are dedicated and constructed, the emergency access requirement shall be considered to be met.
F. Primary and emergency accesses, for fire department purposes, shall be constructed to the following minimum standards (which do not preclude more restrictive minimum standards as set forth by the engineering department or another state or federal agency):
1. Minimum width of twenty feet (20') with a minimum inside turning radius of twenty-eight feet (28'), minimum outside turning radius of forty-eight feet (48') and maximum grade of ten percent (10%).
2. Surface shall be improved with an all weather surface meeting the fire department standards and capable of supporting two (2) axled vehicles weighing seventy-five thousand (75,000) pounds.
3. Emergency accesses for emergency purposes only shall not be open to general vehicular travel and shall be provided with removable bollards, gates or other means approved by the fire department to restrict general vehicular access. Such emergency accesses may serve as pedestrian and bicycle pathways.
4. Applicant shall construct required emergency accesses prior to submittal of the final plat application.
5. Emergency access easements located within the plat shall be delineated on the face of the final plat. The applicant shall provide covenants for the maintenance of any emergency access by a homeowners' or business owners' association or other as approved by the fire department.
6. Emergency access easements located outside the plat shall be by permanent recorded easements which shall contain covenants for maintenance acceptable to the fire department. Said easements shall be recorded and a copy submitted with the final plat application along with a draft of said covenants.
(10) Minimum Right Of Way Widths: Minimum required right of way widths as per CSS.
(11) Minimum Street Widths And Sections: Minimum street widths and street sections as per CSS.
(12) Street Grades: Street grades shall be as per CSS.
(13) Street And Approach Design And Construction: All curves, street alignments, approach spacing, street design and construction and approach design and construction shall be as per CSS, city transportation master plan, and Caldwell access control standards for state administered highways and city administered surface streets.
(14) Common Driveways:
A. Common driveways shall be a minimum of twenty-six feet (26') in width and shall serve no more than six (6) residential units that do not front a public street and shall serve no more than three (3) commercial or industrial lots.
B. Common driveways shall be a maximum of one hundred fifty feet (150') in length.
C. Common driveways shall be paved with a surface with the capability of supporting two (2) axled vehicles and fire equipment, at a minimum seventy-five thousand (75,000) pounds.
D. Unless limited by a significant geographical feature, or separated by a minimum five foot (5') wide landscaped common lot, all lots that abut a common driveway shall take access from the driveway not the public street.
E. Common driveways shall be straight or provide a minimum twenty-eight foot (28') inside and forty-eight foot (48') outside turning radius.
F. For any lots using a common driveway, the setbacks, dimensioned building envelope, and orientation of the lots and structures to the driveway shall be shown on the preliminary plat for those lots and as an exhibit with the final plat application.
G. Common driveways shall not require curb, gutter or sidewalks on either side of the length of the common driveway by default, but they may be required on one side of a common driveway as a condition of development.
H. Common driveways shall be identified and platted as common lots to be owned and maintained by a homeowners' or business owners' association or as perpetual ingress-egress easements to be maintained by a homeowners' or business owners' association and shall be so indicated by note on the final plat.
I. No parking shall be permitted on common driveways.
J. The public street frontage requirement for lots utilizing a common driveway is not applicable. Lots utilizing a common driveway shall be addressed pursuant to Section 05-07-05.
(15) Private Streets:
A. Where Permitted: Private streets may only be permitted as described herein:
1. Within developments that are wholly commercial or industrial in use or that are a mixture of commercial and industrial.
2. Within multi-family developments as described herein:
(A) Within a multi-family development under single ownership and not considered a subdivision as defined within this code.
(B) Within a mixed-use development which has a portion of the development being developed as multi-family. In this scenario, private streets may only be allowed within the area being developed as multi-family.
(C) Within a subdivided multi-family project, or multi-family portion of a mixed-use development. Subdivider shall establish an agreement specifying that the private streets are to be owned and maintained by the Homeowners Association. A copy of said agreement shall be provided to the City.
B. General Construction And Design Requirements:
1. All private street construction shall be in accordance with Caldwell supplemental specifications structural standards for base course and asphaltic concrete mat thickness. The design shall be prepared and certified by a registered professional engineer.
2. The minimum width of private streets shall be twenty-four feet (24').
3. Curbs, gutter and sidewalks shall not be required unless specifically required by council.
4. Maintenance of private streets shall take place through a business owners' association and shall be so noted on a final plat.
5. Private streets shall be designated as either perpetual easements or common lots and shall be platted as one or the other.
6. Private streets shall be labeled "private street" within the area of the private street on the final plat.
7. It shall be noted on the final plat that private streets are not the responsibility of the city and should landowners ever desire city maintenance of said streets, said private streets would have to be brought up to city standards which would include, at a minimum, curb, gutter, asphalt paving, subsurfacing, sidewalk and storm drainage, all inspected and accepted by the city.
8. It shall be noted on the final plat that, if there are any utilities located within the private streets, a utility easement shall be platted and any required maintenance or repair to the utility within the utility easement shall take place regardless of any potential damage or destruction to the street as a consequence of the utility maintenance or repair and repair or replacement shall not be the responsibility of the utility or the city nor shall the utility or the city be held liable for any damage to the street due to utility maintenance or repair. (Ord. 2768, 4-20-2009; amd. Ord. 2811, 11-2-2009; Ord. 3379, 12-20-2021; Ord. 3576, 3-19-2024)
(1) Block numbers shall be designated as required by Idaho Code.
(2) Block lengths shall not exceed six hundred feet (600') as measured along the street centerline from centerline intersection to centerline intersection in all subdivisions that are wholly or partially residential in use excepting the following:
A. In the RS-1 and RS-2 zoning districts, block lengths shall not exceed one thousand two hundred feet (1,200') as measured along the street centerline from centerline intersection to centerline intersection.
B. Commercial and industrial subdivisions shall not have a maximum block length.
C. The project is a planned unit development and an exception from the maximum block length has been requested, and granted, as part of the application. (Ord. 2768, 4-20-2009)