   (1)   Before any common driveway, private street or public street is named within the incorporated areas of the City, there shall be obtained from the fire plans examiner approval for the name using the provisions contained within this article and the official street name list. (Ord. 2828, 6-21-2010)
   (2)   Before any address numbers are posted on any street, building or sign within the incorporated areas of the City, there shall be obtained from the City Mapping Department assignment and/or approval of the street address using the official address grid system and the provisions contained within this article. (Ord. 3110, 9-18-2017)
   (3)   The official address grid system is maintained in and by the Office of the City Mapping Department. (Ord. 2828, 6-21-2010)
   (1)   All new private and public street names and common driveway names shall be established in accordance with the standards set forth in this article, and said names, upon recordation of a final plat and/or upon address assignment by the City Mapping Department, shall become part of said official street name list. (Ord. 2828, 6-21-2010)
   (2)   The following rules and regulations shall be used in determining and approving private and public street names and common driveway names:
      A.   Duplication Of Names Prohibited: There shall be no duplication of private or public street names or common driveway names by name, sound, sound alike or spelling with any other existing or proposed names within the City and/or within any area within Canyon County boundaries. Except as approved by the fire plans examiner, there should generally be no rhyming of said names with any other existing or proposed names within the City and/or within any area within Canyon County boundaries. Differentiation shall not be by the addition of any suffixes, such as "street", "avenue", etc.
      B.   Duplication Of Subdivision Names: Names of private or public streets or common driveways shall not duplicate any subdivision name anywhere within the City or the County; except that a private or public street or common driveway within a specific subdivision may duplicate the name of the specific subdivision in which it exists. (Ord. 3110, 9-18-2017)
      C.   Words Difficult To Spell Or Pronounce: Words that are difficult to spell or pronounce, as determined by the fire plans examiner, are prohibited from being used as private or public street names or common driveway names.
      D.   Names For Future Streets: Proposed names for future private and/or public streets and/or common driveways shall be submitted to the fire plans examiner for approval, subject to all provisions of this article. (Ord. 2828, 6-21-2010)
      E.   Names Of Existing Streets; Proposed Streets: Where a proposed private or public street connects to and is in the same general alignment as an existing private or public street, the name of the said existing street shall be maintained for both the existing and the proposed new portion with the appropriate and correct suffix designation, as determined in accordance with the provisions herein, assigned to the proposed portion. Where a proposed private or public street is in the same general alignment as an existing private or public street, but the centerline connection to a common street is offset by more than one hundred feet (100'), the proposed new portion shall be given a unique street name and appropriate suffix. In cases where said offset is less than one hundred feet (100'), the proposed new portion may carry the same name as the existing portion with the appropriate and correct suffix designation. Where a proposed private or public street is in the same general alignment as an existing private or public street, but is disconnected and will never connect, the proposed new portion shall be given a unique street name and appropriate suffix. (Ord. 3110, 9-18-2017)
      F.   Names Of New Portion Of Street: Where a proposed private or public street connects two (2) differently named private or public streets located on the same alignment, the applicant shall choose which of the two (2) adjoining, existing street names to use for the new portion of connecting street. (Ord. 2828, 6-21-2010)
      G.   Cul-De-Sac Names; Number Of Lots: Cul-de-sacs with four (4) or fewer lots and an overall length of one hundred feet (100') or less (as measured from the centerline of the principal street to the point of radius) shall carry the same street name and suffix as the main street from which the cul-de-sac originates. Cul-de- sacs with five (5) or more lots shall be given their own unique street name and appropriate suffix.
      H.   Cul-De-Sac Names; Alignment: Cul-de-sacs that are on the same alignment as an existing or proposed street shall carry the same name and suffix as the existing street. If not on the same alignment, they shall be assigned a different name with an appropriate suffix in accordance with subsection (2)G of this section. (Ord. 3110, 9-18-2017)
      I.   Street Suffix: A proposed street which aligns with an existing street shall carry the same street name, but with the correct street suffix designation for the proposed street even though the existing street suffix designation may be incorrect. The existing incorrect street suffix designation for the existing street may continue. (Ord. 2828, 6-21-2010)
      J.   Meandering Streets: The determination as to whether or not a street is meandering shall be made by the Mapping Department and such meandering street should be assigned the appropriate street suffix designation of either "way" or "drive" in accordance with the provisions herein with the caveat that if a street originates with a suffix that suffix should remain for the entire length of the street, both existing and proposed. (Ord. 3110, 9-18-2017)
      K.   L-Shaped Streets: Both portions of an L-shaped street should carry the same name if either leg is approximately one hundred feet (100') or less in length, otherwise, the L-shaped streets should carry two (2) names.
      L.   Use Of Directional Prefixes: Directional prefixes of "north", "south", "east", and "west" should generally not be used in the naming of new streets and shall not be used as a differentiation between new street names. (Ord. 2828, 6-21-2010)
      M.   Change In Direction Of Street: If the Mapping Department determines that a street makes a very obvious change in direction, a new street name shall be assigned, except as herein provided, at a point that shall be determined by the Mapping Department. (Ord. 3110, 9-18-2017)
      N.   Length Of Street Names: Street names, not including suffixes, shall not exceed, in length, a total of fifteen (15) letters and spaces combined. All street names shall conform to this limitation except where existing names are to be continued due to alignments as specified herein.
   (3)   The following suffixes shall be used in designating street names and common driveway names within City limits:
      A.   Avenue: A north-south street generally running in a straight line which provides vehicular and pedestrian access to adjacent properties.
      B.   Boulevard: A street which is eighty feet (80') wide or greater and provides vehicular and/or pedestrian access to adjacent properties and which should be separated by a raised median strip, landscaped or not.
      C.   Circle: Short streets which return to themselves or begin and end in the same street.
      D.   Court: An east-west cul-de-sac connecting to an avenue or way at one end only which provides vehicular and/or pedestrian access to adjacent properties.
      E.   Drive: A street generally meandering in an east-west direction, which provides vehicular and/or pedestrian access to adjacent properties.
      F.   Lane: A private street not dedicated to or maintained by the City. Its acceptance shall be based on approval by the City.
      G.   Loop: Short streets which return to themselves or begin and end in the same street.
      H.   Place: A north-south cul-de-sac connecting to a drive or street at one end only which provides vehicular and/or pedestrian access to adjacent properties.
      I.   Road: A designated street which extends through both urban and rural areas which provides vehicular and/or pedestrian access to adjacent properties.
      J.   Street: An east-west street generally running in a straight line which provides vehicular and/or pedestrian access to adjacent properties.
      K.   Way: A street generally meandering in a north-south direction, which provides vehicular and/or pedestrian access to adjacent properties.
      L.   The use of the term "road" or "boulevard" shall be determined and approved by the City Engineer and shall be based upon the function and improvements of such streets. (Ord. 2828, 6-21-2010)
   (1)   Naming of private streets and common driveways shall comply with the provisions of this article.
   (2)   Required private street and common driveway signs shall not be installed, owned or maintained by the City, but rather shall be installed, maintained and replaced by the private individuals or entities who use said private streets and common driveways. The administrative citation process, as outlined in section 10-03-10 of this Code, shall be utilized to address failure to maintain or replace required private street and common driveway signs.
   (3)   Private street and common driveway signs shall conform to the standards of section 05-07-07 of this article.
   (4)   In instances of platting, required private street and/or common driveway signs shall be installed to City specifications prior to submittal of a final plat application. In all other instances, such signs shall be installed prior to issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy.
   (5)   Common driveways shall may be given a name, in accordance with the provisions contained herein, when said common driveways serve three (3) or more buildable lots or three (3) or more residential buildings. If and when a common driveway becomes named, the street number assignment for the structures utilizing the common driveway will change in accordance with the provisions herein and the official address grid system. (Ord. 2828, 6-21-2010; amd. Ord. 3608, 7-2-2024; Ord. 3594, 4-16-2024)
   (1)   Proposed street and common driveway names shall be shown on all preliminary plats and planned unit developments when applications are submitted initially to the Planning and Zoning Department. The fire plans examiner in conjunction with the Mapping Department, upon review of the plat or development, shall review proposed street and common driveway names for compliance with the provisions as set forth in this article. (Ord. 2828, 6-21-2010; Ord. 3110, 9-18-2017)
      A.   Any necessary revisions, as per the provisions contained herein, shall be made prior to final approval of the preliminary plat or planned unit development. (Ord. 2828, 6-21-2010)
      B.   The Mapping Department shall reserve placement of approved names on the official street names list. Official placement does not take place until a final plat is recorded and/or a street address number assignment is made. (Ord. 3110, 9-18-2017)
   (2)   Approved street and common driveway names shall be shown on all construction drawings initially submitted to the Engineering Department and on all final plats when final plat applications are initially submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department.
   (3)   All half streets, partial streets, private streets, public streets and common driveways shall be named in accordance with the provisions of this article.
   (4)   Installation of all required street signs and/or common driveway signs, with appropriate names and suffixes thereon, all in accordance with the provisions of this article, shall be required prior to acceptance of any final plat application and prior to issuance of any temporary or permanent certificates of occupancy.
   (5)   Prior to any construction taking place on a subdivision or planned unit development site, temporary street signage (and addresses if applicable) shall be installed and maintained for the duration of the construction until replaced with permanent street signage and posted address numbers, such that all street names and any assigned addresses under construction shall be visibly available at all times for emergency services purposes. (Ord. 2828, 6-21-2010)