(1) Naming of private streets and common driveways shall comply with the provisions of this article.
(2) Required private street and common driveway signs shall not be installed, owned or maintained by the City, but rather shall be installed, maintained and replaced by the private individuals or entities who use said private streets and common driveways. The administrative citation process, as outlined in section 10-03-10
of this Code, shall be utilized to address failure to maintain or replace required private street and common driveway signs.
(3) Private street and common driveway signs shall conform to the standards of section 05-07-07
of this article.
(4) In instances of platting, required private street and/or common driveway signs shall be installed to City specifications prior to submittal of a final plat application. In all other instances, such signs shall be installed prior to issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy.
(5) Common driveways shall may be given a name, in accordance with the provisions contained herein, when said common driveways serve three (3) or more buildable lots or three (3) or more residential buildings. If and when a common driveway becomes named, the street number assignment for the structures utilizing the common driveway will change in accordance with the provisions herein and the official address grid system. (Ord. 2828, 6-21-2010; amd. Ord. 3608, 7-2-2024; Ord. 3594, 4-16-2024)
(1) Proposed street and common driveway names shall be shown on all preliminary plats and planned unit developments when applications are submitted initially to the Planning and Zoning Department. The fire plans examiner in conjunction with the Mapping Department, upon review of the plat or development, shall review proposed street and common driveway names for compliance with the provisions as set forth in this article. (Ord. 2828, 6-21-2010; Ord. 3110, 9-18-2017)
A. Any necessary revisions, as per the provisions contained herein, shall be made prior to final approval of the preliminary plat or planned unit development. (Ord. 2828, 6-21-2010)
B. The Mapping Department shall reserve placement of approved names on the official street names list. Official placement does not take place until a final plat is recorded and/or a street address number assignment is made. (Ord. 3110, 9-18-2017)
(2) Approved street and common driveway names shall be shown on all construction drawings initially submitted to the Engineering Department and on all final plats when final plat applications are initially submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department.
(3) All half streets, partial streets, private streets, public streets and common driveways shall be named in accordance with the provisions of this article.
(4) Installation of all required street signs and/or common driveway signs, with appropriate names and suffixes thereon, all in accordance with the provisions of this article, shall be required prior to acceptance of any final plat application and prior to issuance of any temporary or permanent certificates of occupancy.
(5) Prior to any construction taking place on a subdivision or planned unit development site, temporary street signage (and addresses if applicable) shall be installed and maintained for the duration of the construction until replaced with permanent street signage and posted address numbers, such that all street names and any assigned addresses under construction shall be visibly available at all times for emergency services purposes. (Ord. 2828, 6-21-2010)
(1) All street name/common driveway signs shall be located in such a manner as to be clearly visible to persons operating vehicles on the street or common driveway.
(2) All public street signs shall be green, all private street signs and common driveway signs shall be blue and all lettering on all signs shall be white.
(3) All signs shall have the names lettered on both sides and shall be positioned so that the name is visible from both directions of the street.
(4) It shall be the responsibility of the subdivider, developer, applicant, owner, individual and/or private entity to initially purchase and install all required signs at each and every required location. Street signs on public streets, once officially dedicated to and accepted by the City, shall be maintained by the City. Street signs for private streets and common driveways shall be owned and maintained by those individuals and/or private entities who utilize the private street or common driveway. (Ord. 2828, 6-21-2010)
(5) All street sign construction shall be in accordance with the latest version of the City of Caldwell Supplemental Specifications to the Idaho Standards for Public Works Construction (ISPWC) in effect at the time of sign installation. (Ord. 3110, 9-18-2017)
(1) General Street Name Changes: Anyone may, at any time, propose a name change to an existing private or public street name or common driveway name.
A. The following items shall be considered when reviewing a proposal for a name change:
1. Number of existing addresses on the street(s) in question.
2. Length of time each street has used the existing name.
3. Date of the original dedication of said street(s), if any.
4. Each street's compliance with this article.
5. Any other factor pertinent to resolving similar pronunciation, spelling, rhyming, sound or sound alike issues.
B. No name changes may take place unless and until the proposed names have been checked against the official street name list for duplication, spelling, rhyming, sound or sound alikes, and/or similar pronunciations to any existing names on said list.
C. Application shall be made to the Mapping Department for any proposed name change. Said application shall be considered for approval by the City Council after a public hearing using the notice and hearing process as outlined in subsection 10-03-12
of this Code.
D. All changes shall be made in such a manner as to create the least possible inconvenience to affected residents and property owners.
E. Council shall establish the effective date of such a change; however, no change shall become effective sooner than thirty (30) days following publication of the ordinance.
(2) Emergency Services Or Mapping Street Name Changes: The Fire Marshal or the Mapping Department may, at any time, make name changes or suffix changes to a private or public street name or common driveway name for reasons of duplication, rhyming, similar pronunciation or spelling, consistency in addressing or for any other reason relating to public safety or emergency services ease of use and understanding.
A. All changes shall be considered for approval by the City Council after a public hearing using the notice and hearing process as outlined in subsection 10-03-12
of this Code.
B. All changes shall be made in an attempt to create the least possible inconvenience to affected residents and property owners.
C. The City Mapping Department shall give official written notice at least ninety (90) days in advance of the effective date of such change to property owners and those local agencies affected by such changes with the exception that the effective date of such change to vacant properties and properties under new construction shall be upon publication of the ordinance. (Ord. 2828, 6-21-2010; amd. Ord. 3110, 9-18-2017; Ord. 3594, 4-16-2024)
(1) Numbers To Conform To Grid System: All street and/or common driveway address numbers shall conform to the City or County grid system, depending on location as shown on the official address grid system as filed and maintained by the City Mapping Department. The general standards to be used in developing and maintaining the street address grid system are as follows:
A. City grid system:
1. Sixteen (16) grid blocks shall be assigned to each section, as defined by the public land survey system (PLSS), and approximately three hundred thirty feet (330') between grid lines shall be standard when establishing the grid system.
2. A standard of approximately twenty-five (25) numbers per grid is hereby established.
B. County grid system:
1. Ten (10) grid blocks shall be assigned to each section, as defined by the PLSS, and approximately five hundred twenty-eight feet (528') between grid lines.
2. There shall be one hundred (100) numbers per grid block.
(2) Numbers Assigned By Mapping Department: All address numbers located within the City limits shall be assigned by the City Mapping Department. No other person or organization, public or private, shall assign any address number to any residence, business, industry, or other use.
(3) Factors In Assigning Numbers: The following shall be used as a guide in assigning said address numbers by the City Mapping Department:
A. Single-family residential dwellings and duplexes should generally be assigned individual single address numbers. All other buildings and structures, including triplexes and other multi-family dwellings, should generally be assigned only one address number with individual units or spaces within the building being assigned individual suite or unit numbers in addition to the single address number assigned to the building as a whole. All primary address numbers shall be whole numbers. Fractional or decimal part addressing shall not be allowed.
B. Numbers may be assigned to vacant lots within platted residential subdivisions and should generally be assigned in such a manner that adequate numbers are reserved for possible future development or resubdivisions of such land.
C. Preferably addresses should generally be assigned on the street upon which the structure fronts, unless primary access to the building is from another street or unless the structure is situated such that addressing off the frontage street would create confusion for emergency services, in which case addresses should then be assigned on the street which provides primary access.
D. All addresses located on the left hand side of streets as the numbers increase from the numbering grid shall be odd numbers. All addresses on the right hand side of streets as the numbers increase from the numbering grid starting point shall be even numbers. These requirements may be varied in the case of meandering streets. When a street has been determined to be running in predominantly one direction, the address number shall not be changed if there is slight change in the street or lane direction. (Ord. 2828, 6-21-2010)
E. Whereas there are multiple existing numbering grids in use in the City, all new addresses shall be assigned using the grid determined by the City Mapping Department to be the best for the new area.
F. Existing address numbers not in conformance with the official address grid system may be changed by the City Mapping Department, giving official written notice at least ninety (90) days in advance of the effective date of such change to property owners and those local agencies affected by such changes with the exception that the effective date of such change to vacant properties and properties under new construction shall be immediately upon notification. Property owners and local agencies noncompliant with official address changes shall be subject to the administrative citation process as outlined in section 10-03-10
of this Code.
G. When an existing addressed building is demolished, the address number shall be retired and not re-used for new construction or re-development unless insufficient address numbers exist to allow such to be changed.
(4) Subaddressing:
A. The numbering of units, spaces and suites shall take place by the Mapping Department and, when consultation is needed, said department shall call upon the Addressing Committee. (Ord. 2828, 6-21-2010; amd. Ord. 3110, 9-18-2017; Ord. 3594, 4-16-2024)
All buildings within the City limits, whether occupied or not, and whether for residential or nonresidential use, shall have address numbers, and, when required, street names, posted as follows:
(1) Address numbers shall be placed on the front of all buildings, whether residential or nonresidential. If the street address is based upon a street other than the street upon which the building fronts, the street name should also be posted on the building in addition to the numbers and the address numbers and street name should also be posted on the street side of the building.
(2) All approved address numbers, building numbers and approved building identification (subaddresses) shall be placed in a position plainly legible and visible from the street fronting the property. All posted numbers shall contrast distinctly with their background (light on dark or dark on light).
(3) Address numbers, and where applicable words, shall be arabic style numerals or block style alphabet letters.
(4) All address numbers shall be a minimum of six inches (6") high with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch. All sizable complexes or facilities (such as shopping centers, industrial sites, apartment complexes, etc.) shall have address numbers a minimum of twelve inches (12") high. Any building located significantly back from the street it faces may be required to post proportionately larger sized numerals as deemed adequate to identify the structure. All subaddress numbers shall be a minimum of four inches (4") high.
(5) Buildings or uses with permanent on premises monument, post, pole or freestanding signage that include addressing as part of the signage, shall place addresses on such signs in large numbers that are distinct and separate from other messages on the sign.
(6) Required address and street name postings on all buildings shall take place prior to issuance of any temporary or final certificate of occupancy. Occupied buildings that do not have required address and street name postings shall be subject to the administrative citation process as outlined in section 10-03-10
of this Code.
(7) Temporary street signage and temporary posting of the address number shall be in place on all construction sites. Construction sites lacking the required temporary street signage and temporary posting of the address number shall be subject to the administrative citation process as outlined in section 10-03-10
of this Code. (Ord. 2828, 6-21-2010; amd. Ord. 3110, 9-18-2017; Ord. 3594, 4-16-2024)