(A) The Tax Administrator may require any person filing a tax document with the Tax Administrator to provide identifying information, which may include the person's social security number, federal employer identification number, or other identification number requested by the Tax Administrator. A person required by the Tax Administrator to provide identifying information that has experienced any change with respect to that information shall notify the Tax Administrator of the change before, or upon, filing the next tax document requiring the identifying information.
(B) (1) If the Tax Administrator makes a request for identifying information and the Tax Administrator does not receive valid identifying information within thirty days of making the request, nothing in this Ordinance prohibits the Tax Administrator from imposing a penalty upon the person to whom the request was directed pursuant to Section 182.10, in addition to any applicable penalty described in Section 182.99.
(2) If a person required by the Tax Administrator to provide indentifying information does not notify the Tax Administrator of a change with respect to that information as required under division (A) of this section within thirty days after filing the next tax document requiring such identifying information, nothing in this Ordinance prohibits the Tax Administrator from imposing a penalty pursuant to Section 182.10.
(3) The penalties provided for under division (B)(1) and (2) of this section may be billed and imposed in the same manner as the tax or fee with respect to which the identifying information is sought and are in addition to any applicable criminal penalties described in Section 182.99 for a violation of Section 182.15, and any other penalties that may be imposed by the Tax Administrator by law.
(Ord. 2015-34. Passed 11-19-15.)
(A) Any information gained as a result of returns, investigations, hearings, or verifications required or authorized by ORC 718 or by the Ordinance of the Municipality is confidential, and no person shall access or disclose such information except in accordance with a proper judicial order or in connection with the performance of that person's official duties or the official business of the Municipality as authorized by ORC 718 or the Ordinance authorizing the levy. The Tax Administrator of the Municipality or a designee thereof may furnish copies of returns filed or otherwise received under this Ordinance and other related tax information to the Internal Revenue Service, the State Tax commissioner, and Tax Administrators of other municipal corporations.
(B) This section does not prohibit the Municipality from publishing or disclosing statistics in a form that does not disclose information with respect to particular taxpayers.
(Ord. 2015-34. Passed 11-19-15.)
No person shall knowingly make, present, aid, or assist in the preparation or presentation of a false or fraudulent report, return, schedule, statement, claim, or document authorized or required by municipal corporation ordinance or state law to be filed with the Tax Administrator, or knowingly procure, counsel or advise such change, alteration, or amendment of the records upon which such report, return, schedule, statement, claim, or document is based with intent to defraud the Municipality or the Tax Administrator.
(Ord. 2015-34. Passed 11-19-15.)